
What direction to take my lab in...Suggestions!!!

PhildoBagginsPhildoBaggins Member Posts: 276
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831 running 12.4 SDM
2514 with 2 AUIs for enet
3180 on 12.3
2611 t1csu/dsu
2611 t1csu/dsu
2620 with ISDN BRI

I have been looking at getting a 1751 with a wic-1t, I have seen some 3550's real cheap on ebay lately with the EMI image. I know I need to add some 2950's in there but for ICND2 I dont know if they are really worth it.

I just ordered a nm-4 a/s so I can put it in one of my 26xx's to start on my frame skills but would it be better to just buy a modular 3640 and have 8 or more a/s ports? Over kill?

What are your suggestions, where should I take this lab. I plan to immediately start on a CCNP routing/switching as soon as I pass ICND.

I have around 200 bucks I can through at this lab right now. Should I look at RAM upgrades or ebay this stuff and restart with 2600XM's and 3550's.



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    PhildoBagginsPhildoBaggins Member Posts: 276
    Well I decided to get some frame/mem goodies.

    nm-4a/s $28 (for the frame switch)
    2 x wic-1t $46 (this makes 4 frame hosts total)
    3 x DCE/DTE cables $20

    I'm looked at some mem upgrades.

    2620's: 64/16 I think these are fine, not worth the 32mg flash and rom upgrade

    2611's: upgraded to 64/16
    2 x 16mb flash for 2611's at $30
    4 x 32mb dram for 2611'at $37

    831: I could upgrade from 48/12 to 48/24 and run the latest 12.4T w/ IP PLUS

    If anyone has any suggestions please throw them out there. I will be getting 3550 at some point soon lol.
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    PhildoBagginsPhildoBaggins Member Posts: 276
    Well it was only another 10 bucks, upgraded my 831 to max mem.
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