Just Passed 70-649 - Sticky for 70-649?

Hey All,
I just passed 70-649 after a few months studying. Used Microsoft book mainly and training videos. By the way, ordered resources from Fishpond which looks a little dodgy but was much cheaper than amazon or book stores.
Can I request the exam 70-649 have its own section on this site? Finding resources for this exam was pretty hard so it would be good if tech exams stepped up to the plate.
I just passed 70-649 after a few months studying. Used Microsoft book mainly and training videos. By the way, ordered resources from Fishpond which looks a little dodgy but was much cheaper than amazon or book stores.
Can I request the exam 70-649 have its own section on this site? Finding resources for this exam was pretty hard so it would be good if tech exams stepped up to the plate.
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
Congrats on the pass!
Those resource stickies are done by individual members who are studying for the exam. The 649 is just a combination of the 3 exams 640, 642, and 643. Claymoore did the sticky resource thread for all 3 exams while studying for the 649.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives.