Member Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
Which of the following is a low-level operating syste normally used for manufacturing testing and troubleshooting ?
Mini-Ios or ROMMON ?
I think Mini-IOS, book says ROMMON Which is it ?
I hate book Errata, I have found a lot of wrong answers in my studies.
Mini-Ios or ROMMON ?
I think Mini-IOS, book says ROMMON Which is it ?
I hate book Errata, I have found a lot of wrong answers in my studies.
fusebox Member Posts: 87 ■■□□□□□□□□Its ROMMON.
the router comes up with the rommon> prompt if say you did a cntl-break to change register values to retrieve lost password etc.. I personally havent seen it, perhaps someone with first hand experience can chip in.Im a newbie.... please be easy on me.