Difference between CXFS and CCDA?
Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
I am really unclear what the difference between these two are? My company I work for is having me take the CXFS. Is this the same or no?
down77 Member Posts: 1,009No they are different exams. The CCDA validates your knowledge of design principles based around Cisco best practices such as IIN, PPDIOO, SONA, etc while the CXFS furthers the foundation of design and adds in a broad understanding of various product portfolios and technologies that you will be required to design solutions around.
According to one Cisco engineer that I spoke with recently, the CXFS is meant to be between the CCDA and CCDP which is part of the reason it requires the CCDA as a pre-req. If you have partner status with Cisco you can obtain a limited amount of free training for the CCDA and a full training course for the CXFS under their Partner Education Connection (PEC). Good luck with both exams! I'm sitting for the CXFS exam next week (642-374).CCIE Sec: Starting Nov 11