Updates Software

PiotrIrPiotrIr Member Posts: 236

I’m looking for free (open source) update software for windows servers and desktops (win XP, Vista, 7) which will be able install on Windows Vista machine. Unfortunately I’m not able to use WSUS as it supports only W2K3 and W2K8.

Could you advice me something please?


  • NinjaBoyNinjaBoy Member Posts: 968
    PiotrIr wrote: »

    I’m looking for free (open source) update software for windows servers and desktops (win XP, Vista, 7) which will be able install on Windows Vista machine. Unfortunately I’m not able to use WSUS as it supports only W2K3 and W2K8.

    Could you advice me something please?

    Why would you not want to use a server to deploy the update software service? You've already stated that you need it for servers and desktops anyway. Why not use one of them? Or create a virtual server for it?

  • PiotrIrPiotrIr Member Posts: 236
    Because of costs. There is no space on any server and they don't want to spend money for new one. So I need to use desktop with Vista. I know that for some companies couple of hundreds doesn’t matter but for this one does and I have to meet their requirements.
  • NinjaBoyNinjaBoy Member Posts: 968
    Sorry don't know of any WSUS alternatives (freeware or open source).
    PiotrIr wrote: »
    Because of costs. There is no space on any server and they don't want to spend money for new one. So I need to use desktop with Vista. I know that for some companies couple of hundreds doesn’t matter but for this one does and I have to meet their requirements.

    So you need to meet the requirements, but aren't given the resourses to meet them? In my view, there are a couple of options that's open to you:

    1. Assuming that you have a windows domain, configure a GPO so that all machines get their updates via the Windows Update site.

    2. Don't replace your server, but expand it. You already have a server ans just need space (approx 40gb) for the updates store, right? Get yourself an external USB HDD (see here for example), it's less than £100. Or if you're really short of cash you can use an external caddy and an old HDD and make your own. It doesn't need to be raided (alot it will help for redundancy, but lets face it, it's only holding updates from the MS site that can be redownloaded if anything happens), and install WSUS on that.

  • PiotrIrPiotrIr Member Posts: 236
    I’m sorry Ken,

    I’ve already considered options which you gave me ant this is a reason I’m looking for open source software for updates management. Do you or anybody know any?
  • NinjaBoyNinjaBoy Member Posts: 968
    PiotrIr wrote: »
    ...Do you or anybody know any?

    I don't and just had a word with a few people I know - they don't know either, the only similar idea that was mentioned was Project Dakota, but it seems like it's been discontinued.

    Good luck with your problem and hope someone else here can help.

  • QordQord Member Posts: 632 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Check out Shavlik. They are primarily pay-for, but there are a few freebies that might do what you want. Not open source, but free is a nice price tag.
  • PiotrIrPiotrIr Member Posts: 236
    Thank you Qord.
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    If you don't have many computers, then just psexec the installation package with /quiet.

    There are a couple of psexec examples on my website.

    This can also help you learn to script.
    My blog http://www.calegp.com

    You may learn something!
  • PiotrIrPiotrIr Member Posts: 236
    Thank you Mishra
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    You're going to have issues with finding a free replacement for WSUS because WSUS is free already and pretty much works exactly how it should. Why reinvent the wheel when you're already on a Windows platform and Microsoft have done all the hard work for you already? You still need access to the hotfix and update list which has to be from Microsoft and then work out the dependancies so it wouldn't be a trivial task to reimplement everything that WSUS does either.
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