
New Job - some tips

Darian929Darian929 Member Posts: 197
Hello fellow techies,

Recently I was hired by a T1 service provider but to work for one of their customers. My role at the customers site is to serve as a help desk but at the same time the president spoke with me and told me he wanted to me make like a book... and include in there their current network infrastructure, their expenses, their floor plans and where everyone sat, they frequent problems, what the previous it person's role was. Things like that, so it's more of an auditing job. His goal is to get them to collocate their stuff into the service provider and at the same time convince them that I could support them from the Central office without having to be there, since we are 15 mins away from them. He plans on giving them all virtual desktops too.

The customers just came here to the U.S and they are a major company around the world, with their headquarters in Argentina, and the thing is over here I dont have any privileges as to accessing servers/ Active directories or anything. I basically have access to the local administrator account and that's it, oh and to the cisco switches because I asked the previous IT person, if not i wouldn't be able to get in them, even though i have physical access to everything.

So my question is anyone have any tips as to go about this since this is more of a management job and Im new to this, besides im only 20 so not too much experience at this.
I want to do a good job, including excel spreadsheets of their current expenses (which I already did) and powerpoints.

Any help is appreciated.

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