ccna deluxe edition by sybex

MissionKap1001MissionKap1001 Member Posts: 35 ■■□□□□□□□□
is the ccna deluxe edition by sybex the exact same material as the ccna study guide as for as the book is concerned. the study guide came out in january and is in paperback, and the deluxe edition came out if febuary and is a hard copy. I prefer to get the hard copy, but I want the latest and greatest information. I know the deluxe edition has more extras, but I'm not concerened about that, becasue I am going to order my virtual lab from boson thanks to these boards. I am worried that an older version book comes with the deluxe edition so sybex can clear inventory.


  • MissionKap1001MissionKap1001 Member Posts: 35 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks all - not, I called sybex and found out that both books were published at the same time (JAN 2005). They said that the deluxe edition has more information. I was worried that it would be an older book in a package, but that's not the case. Im going to buy mine and chapters-indigo now. thanks.
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