So, who has practice exams updated for R2?

Anyone aware of which companies have updated their practice materials for R2?
I saw a "black friday"discount on one site, but was a bit leery of dropping the cash only to receive outdated material.
Also, anyone know if any of the test prep companies are in the habit of offering free upgrades if the material changes, like what we have here with R2? Is that common or do they typically only have errata support?
I saw a "black friday"discount on one site, but was a bit leery of dropping the cash only to receive outdated material.
Also, anyone know if any of the test prep companies are in the habit of offering free upgrades if the material changes, like what we have here with R2? Is that common or do they typically only have errata support?
Current Study Track
EMCCA, EMCCAe, EMCCE, VCIX-NV, Puppet Practitioner, ServiceNow
EMCCA, EMCCAe, EMCCE, VCIX-NV, Puppet Practitioner, ServiceNow
Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
I just checked Transcender and Test-Out, dont think they have updated their content yet. There was a thread here once with one guy saying he had emailed CBT Nuggets and they said they were in the process of upgrading their content to R2. Whether a company would offer free/discounted upgrades remains to be seen. I think they should, but I dont think that'll happen.
I'd wait before dropping a load of money on obsolete material. -
NightShade1 Member Posts: 433 ■■■□□□□□□□
Trascender have the updated content... i practiced from there -
erpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
I did buy the uCertify materials for 70-640 and 70-642. I did not notice that they updated the materials for R2, but I really don't think that's going to matter if you know what they're asking. I was very comfortable with their pricing and "100% guarantee."
I'm not solely using uCertify to study, but I figure if I did fail the 70-642, I can ask for the refund and use that to purchase Transcenders. But I wanted to give uCertify a shot. They give you a whole year as opposed to 90 days...figured that can't be bad. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
I checked Transcenders site the other day and they're in the process of getting out the updated stuff. It even said that they would upgrade you to R2 if you purchased the Server 2008 before the R2 stuff came out. 640 and 642 are supposed to be out already and 643 is supposed to be out sometime in December. No word yet about 646 or 647 though.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives.