How far did you move when you got your first job?

/usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768 ■■■□□□□□□□
When you got your first full-time job, whether it be right after college or whatever, did you move? How far and how did you decide where to go?

I'm just curious. I'll be graduating in less than a year and I want to move away from this area, but have no clue how to decide where to go. Randomly pick a spot and look for jobs? icon_lol.gif

In all seriousness...what are your opinions?


  • fonduefondue Member Posts: 104
    2400 miles... I took a recon vacation and found a job where I wanted to live, lucky me.
  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    I haven't moved for IT, nor do I plan on it. I suppose if I got the right offer, but I wouldn't expect that so early in my career. You could look around job postings, see what's available in different parts of the country. There's always jobs on the East coast, but it helps to have experience. Unfortunatly, I haven't seen many listings that are also offering any relocation, and most companies won't bother replying to out of area canidates.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
  • NPA24NPA24 Member Posts: 588 ■■□□□□□□□□
    It took me about a little over a year after graduating college to find a real IT job. At first I was picky and looked for jobs locally. Then I expanded to like 100 mile radius. Soon I was applying to jobs in my state. Then after that, I started applying to jobs where the tech sector is more common. After all that said and done, I landed a job locally. It was a great feeling. I have to say though, it was an experience. It was frustrating but you can't give up. Oh by the way, I started getting certifications within that year to make myself more marketable. A Bachelor's degree in IT is sometimes not enough. I would have moved far away but hardly anyone pays for relocation for any entry level IT position.
  • TranscenderMichaelTranscenderMichael Member Posts: 187
    I didn't move at all. And now, many years later, it would take an insane amount of money to coerce me to move. We moved in to our new home about 18 months ago, and this is where we plan on raising/schooling our children. Spring Hill (south of Nashville) is a wonderful place to raise a familiy.
    TranscenderMichael (at
    MCSE+I, MCDST, MCDBA, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CNE, CCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, A+
    Kaplan IT
    Powering Transcender and Self Test Software
    Served proudly, USArmy, 98C, '89-'92
  • shadown7shadown7 Member Posts: 529
    There are some IT jobs where I live but the pay is not what it would be in a bigger city. I live 50 miles east of Nashville and I'll probably look for work somewhere there. I have around one more year at NSCC to go and I'll have my A.A.S in Networking. I also hope to have atleat 4 certs under my belt before I graduate. I don't really like the idea about driving a hour away to work but moving will not be an option for me. For now I'm not going to worry about it and just stay focused on my studies and certs.
  • TranscenderMichaelTranscenderMichael Member Posts: 187
    shadown7 wrote:
    I live 50 miles east of Nashville and I'll probably look for work somewhere there. I have around one more year at NSCC to go and I'll have my A.A.S in Networking. I also hope to have atleat 4 certs under my belt before I graduate. I don't really like the idea about driving a hour away to work but moving will not be an option for me. For now I'm not going to worry about it and just stay focused on my studies and certs.

    Yikes - and NSCC is on the *west* side of Nashville. That's a heck of a drive. I guess Tennessee Tech would have been almost as far the other way, huh?

    Let me know when you start looking and I'll see if I know of any entry level positions out there.
    TranscenderMichael (at
    MCSE+I, MCDST, MCDBA, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CNE, CCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, A+
    Kaplan IT
    Powering Transcender and Self Test Software
    Served proudly, USArmy, 98C, '89-'92
  • shadown7shadown7 Member Posts: 529
    Ya, the drive sucks but I love the school. I think they set up there networking program quite well. Thank you very much!! I will let you know when I start looking.
  • shadeedshadeed Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    If you are young and fresh outta college or military then re-locating for the right price is a good idea. I did it myself because the offer was too good to pass up.
    Taking over the IT cert at a time.
  • entzillaentzilla Member Posts: 141
    I will be relocating from northern Illinois all the way down to Austin, Texas for a job this summer.
    CompTIA A+ Certified - July 5th, 2005
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