DNS Readings Chapter 2

Started Chapter Two today at work. DNS is an interesting concept one which i'm still a little fuzzy on.

Here's my understanding...

1. DNS Client (me) wants to resolve to www.exampledomain.com

2. DNS Client sends a request for exampledomain.com's IP to the local name server

3. The Local name server doesn't know and reaches out to the root name server for the IP address of .com name server

3. Root name server replies to the local name server with the ip address of the .com name server

4. Local name server requests the IP address of exampledomain.com from the .com name server

5. .net name server replies with the ip address of the name server servicing the exampledomain.com domain

6. Local name server, with this information then contacts exampledomain.com name server asking for its IP

7. exampledomain.com name server replies with its IP

8. Local name server passes this IP to the DNS client.

Is this right?

Who is the root name server in a network topology here? Who is the .gov server?

With this new information the local name server can now process any other service requests for www.exampledomain.com without having to go through this lengthy process because its in cache. How long does it stay in cache for? Only the amount of time the TTL is set for?
Currently studying for:
MCTS 70-642 Network Infrastructure
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