
RHCE reuslt ! I can't belive it :(

I'm shocked, I've just recieved my RHCE exam results !!
RHCT components score:                             66.7%
RHCE components score:                             93.8%

RHCT Certification:                                NO PASS
RHCE Certification:                                NO PASS

I requested a correction for my exam...this is a funny score, but wth !!!!

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    sidsanderssidsanders Member Posts: 217 ■■■□□□□□□□
    when do you go back?
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    sidsanders wrote: »
    when do you go back?

    back to where ?

    I have just recieved the results and I immediately submitted a correction for my exam...I really hope there's some sort of mistake

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    sidsanderssidsanders Member Posts: 217 ■■■□□□□□□□
    UnixGuy wrote: »
    back to where ?

    I have just recieved the results and I immediately submitted a correction for my exam...I really hope there's some sort of mistake

    sorry -- my mistake, thought you were gonna retake... didnt read that right.
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    Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    That's odd. icon_scratch.gif I hope they get that straightened out for you.

    What did you think of the test?
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    SephStormSephStorm Member Posts: 1,731 ■■■■■■■□□□
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    That's odd. icon_scratch.gif I hope they get that straightened out for you.

    What did you think of the test?

    I will write a detailed post on this forum about the test once I recieve something from RedHat

    I hope somebody manually correct it or something

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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    SephStorm wrote: »
    Well I know i'm confused...

    you must get 70% or higher in RHCT to pass, and RHCT is a pre-requisite to RHCE ! I got 66.7 in RHCT.

    I hope if they correct my exam again they find a mistake or anything to get me the 70% in RHCT..It's like one question or part of a question...let's wait and see

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    NightShade03NightShade03 Member Posts: 1,383 ■■■■■■■□□□
    UnixGuy wrote: »
    you must get 70% or higher in RHCT to pass, and RHCT is a pre-requisite to RHCE ! I got 66.7 in RHCT.

    I don't ever recall the RHCT being a pre-req for the RHCE (on version 5 of the exam). I looked through some of Red Hat's old pages and did some googling and there is nothing that says you must be RHCT certified to receive your RHCE (again for version 5 of the exam).

    If they don't find your points you may want to ask them about that...

    Hopefully they give you the points though and this is all a moot point icon_wink.gif
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    I don't ever recall the RHCT being a pre-req for the RHCE (on version 5 of the exam). I looked through some of Red Hat's old pages and did some googling and there is nothing that says you must be RHCT certified to receive your RHCE (again for version 5 of the exam).

    If they don't find your points you may want to ask them about that...

    Hopefully they give you the points though and this is all a moot point icon_wink.gif

    They didn't reply to my request, but in the initial email that contains my score thats that they say:

    RHCE requirements: score of 70 or higher on RHCT components (100 points)
                       score of 70 or higher on RHCE components (100 points)
    RHCT requirement:  score of 70 or higher on RHCT components (100 points)
    RHCT components score:                             66.7%
    RHCE components score:                             93.8%
    RHCT Certification:                                NO PASS
    RHCE Certification:                                NO PASS

    so looks like to pass RHCE you must first complete the RHCT part then the RHCE ?? I don't know, let's wait and see.....this is really bad luck I guess icon_rolleyes.gif

    funny thing is, I reviewed my RHCT part very well, but I got stuck in one of the RHCE parts...and I didn't review a single RHCE question. I just quickly tested the services...let's wait and see...

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    NightShade03NightShade03 Member Posts: 1,383 ■■■■■■■□□□
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    /pub/beer//pub/beer/ Member Posts: 67 ■■■□□□□□□□
    UnixGuy wrote: »
    I'm shocked, I've just recieved my RHCE exam results !!
    RHCT components score:                             66.7%
    RHCE components score:                             93.8%
    RHCT Certification:                                NO PASS
    RHCE Certification:                                NO PASS

    I requested a correction for my exam...this is a funny score, but wth !!!!

    Sorry man.

    I didn't get my results yet. With the RHEL5 exam you'd need to get the RHCT section passed before your RHCE portion will count. With my exam they separated it out so if I didn't pass my RHCSA, my RHCE exam could still be marked as pass. I wouldnt get my RHCE until I pass my RHCSA.

    With that said, I was paranoid about a little typo or forgetting to make something persistent blowing my entire score.

    If I had to predict my results I'd say I got nearly 100 on the RHCSA and 80 on the RHCE.

    Also I'm fairly certain the scoring is automated by scripts. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I wouldn't count on the results changing.
    Certification Goal:
    - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    NightShade03NightShade03 Member Posts: 1,383 ■■■■■■■□□□
    /pub/beer/ wrote: »
    Also I'm fairly certain the scoring is automated by scripts. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I wouldn't count on the results changing.

    I find it hard to believe that the *whole* exam would be graded via scripts. If that were the case you should be able to get your results almost instantly. I would think that some is done through automation, but that a person has to look over it at least.
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    to tell you the truth I'm not counting on it, but doesn't hurt to try. I'm trying to book the exam again as soon as possible. I learned a personal lesson here...

    I understand these are the exam rules, but I just don't like this kind of policy, for me it was one contiguous exam, specially that portions of RHCE depended on what you previously configured in the RHCT part..but anyway, nobody forced me to take the exam icon_lol.gif

    /pub/beer/ wrote: »
    Sorry man.

    I didn't get my results yet. With the RHEL5 exam you'd need to get the RHCT section passed before your RHCE portion will count. With my exam they separated it out so if I didn't pass my RHCSA, my RHCE exam could still be marked as pass. I wouldnt get my RHCE until I pass my RHCSA.

    With that said, I was paranoid about a little typo or forgetting to make something persistent blowing my entire score.

    If I had to predict my results I'd say I got nearly 100 on the RHCSA and 80 on the RHCE.

    Also I'm fairly certain the scoring is automated by scripts. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I wouldn't count on the results changing.

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    veritas_libertasveritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Ouch! That is painful to say the least... icon_sad.gif
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    varelgvarelg Banned Posts: 790
    UnixGuy wrote: »
    to tell you the truth I'm not counting on it, but doesn't hurt to try. I'm trying to book the exam again as soon as possible. I learned a personal lesson here...

    I understand these are the exam rules, but I just don't like this kind of policy...
    Sorry to see you blindsided by a last- minute RHCT "requirement". Someone else is picking up the tab, right?
    I hope your experience with RH will open eyes to other candidates thinking about taking a RH exam. Thank you for sharing and good luck on your next exam.
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    varelg wrote: »
    Sorry to see you blindsided by a last- minute RHCT "requirement". Someone else is picking up the tab, right?
    I hope your experience with RH will open eyes to other candidates thinking about taking a RH exam. Thank you for sharing and good luck on your next exam.

    Yeah I think the result i got is quite unique in a sense, but I still didn't share my thoughts/exprience on the exam yet.

    But I knew already that RHCT is pre-requisite and I was prepared as well. Anyway, I'll share my experience with the exam later, maybe after the second attempt.

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    davidspirovalentinedavidspirovalentine Member Posts: 353 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I just read this thread...

    Noooooo!!! Damn that was Soooooo close!!!

    You are going to NAIL IT NEXT TIME!!!

    Good Luck :)

    Failure is a stepping stone to success...
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    ComputadoraComputadora Member Posts: 69 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Why don't they just separate the exam into two different sections one for RHCT and one for RHCE, and make the tester take the RHCT portion first, and if they fail that just end the test there? I mean if you fail anyways if you do not pass the RHCT portion for the RHCE, that is kind of messed up, I guess its a good thing though, at least you get to practice the RHCE portion of the test. Anyways, I hope it all works out for you.
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    /pub/beer//pub/beer/ Member Posts: 67 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Why don't they just separate the exam into two different sections one for RHCT and one for RHCE, and make the tester take the RHCT portion first, and if they fail that just end the test there? I mean if you fail anyways if you do not pass the RHCT portion for the RHCE, that is kind of messed up, I guess its a good thing though, at least you get to practice the RHCE portion of the test. Anyways, I hope it all works out for you.

    Now if you take the exam you'd be tested on RHEL6, this thread is about the RHEL5 exams. The objectives are intertwined in one 3.5 hour exam.

    The new RHCE track is split up into 2 distinct exams, each being 2.5 hours or so. The RHCSA (was RHCT) has some higher "Admin" level objectives, then there is a separate exam for the RHCE.
    Certification Goal:
    - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    darkerosxxdarkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
    UnixGuy wrote: »
    Yeah I think the result i got is quite unique in a sense, but I still didn't share my thoughts/exprience on the exam yet.

    But I knew already that RHCT is pre-requisite and I was prepared as well. Anyway, I'll share my experience with the exam later, maybe after the second attempt.

    Check with Red Hat to see if you can just take the RHCT exam and get your RHCE. You don't want to risk passing the RHCT and failing the RHCE part because of a simple mistake, then having to take a third exam.

    Good luck.

    P.S. - remember the NDA when you begin discussing the exam after your retake. =)
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    darkerosxx wrote: »
    Check with Red Hat to see if you can just take the RHCT exam and get your RHCE. You don't want to risk passing the RHCT and failing the RHCE part because of a simple mistake, then having to take a third exam.

    Good luck.

    P.S. - remember the NDA when you begin discussing the exam after your retake. =)

    They didn't respond to my first email.

    From what I understand, my first attempt in the first exam counts to nothing since I didn't pass the RHCT, even if I passed the RHCE part, I'm neither RHCE nor RHCT. So I think I need to take the whole thing again.

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    darkerosxxdarkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
    UnixGuy wrote: »
    They didn't respond to my first email.

    From what I understand, my first attempt in the first exam counts to nothing since I didn't pass the RHCT, even if I passed the RHCE part, I'm neither RHCE nor RHCT. So I think I need to take the whole thing again.

    Yeah, that may sound right, but I don't think it should be. If you pass the RHCE portion of your exam, you should have that done, only needing to get your prereq completed. You should only need to pass the RHCT. If they tell you otherwise, that's BS, imo. I would most definitely push the issue and get a definitive word, but that's me.

    Having said all of that, you did incredibly well on the RHCE portion, so if you end up having to take it over, you know what you need to study and I'm sure you'll ace it.

    I do have to give you kudos on such a great RHCE score. That's not easily done. Congrats.
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    darkerosxx wrote: »
    Yeah, that may sound right, but I don't think it should be. If you pass the RHCE portion of your exam, you should have that done, only needing to get your prereq completed. You should only need to pass the RHCT. If they tell you otherwise, that's BS, imo. I would most definitely push the issue and get a definitive word, but that's me.

    Having said all of that, you did incredibly well on the RHCE portion, so if you end up having to take it over, you know what you need to study and I'm sure you'll ace it.

    I do have to give you kudos on such a great RHCE score. That's not easily done. Congrats.

    I totally agree with you; the rules aren't very smart imo too. I think the rules for RHCE 6 are much better.

    What's done is done, I'll just take the exam on January and get it over with...

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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod

    an Engineer from RedHat replied and said that he reviewed my exam again, and he found my score accurate, so no change.

    I will take the exam again on January.

    Thank you guys for your support, I will write a detailed review of the RHCE and my experience (all without violating the NDA of course), AFTER my second attempt.

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    nudenurdnudenurd Registered Users Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hmmm, this scares me. Especially since for the last 2 years I've been working in Cambodia earning a very very modest income, which will be used to pay the $3250AU for the fast-track course and exam.

    Thanks for posting this. Instead of being arrogant and poo-pooing the RHCSA portion of things, I guess I'd better go over it thoroughly and make sure I'm up to speed with all the 'basics'.
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    nudenurd wrote: »
    Hmmm, this scares me. Especially since for the last 2 years I've been working in Cambodia earning a very very modest income, which will be used to pay the $3250AU for the fast-track course and exam.

    Thanks for posting this. Instead of being arrogant and poo-pooing the RHCSA portion of things, I guess I'd better go over it thoroughly and make sure I'm up to speed with all the 'basics'.

    No don't be scared, If you have the necessary experience, practice everything and do yourself a favor and take the fast-track training. I didn't take the training, and I think one of my mistakes is that I in some topics I studied more than required, and some other topics I didn't even study. Don't worry it's not difficult.

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    nudenurdnudenurd Registered Users Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yeah I'm enrolled in the fast-track training and I'm spending the next ~5 weeks setting up and breaking machines. In fact, I'm half way through setting up a small lab to practice on which I'll be making a hole to through my firewall.

    If anyone would be willing to log into my practice box and 'break' it for me, I'd appreciate it. I'm not talking about `rm -rf /`, more like creating issues with its setup so I have to diagnose and fix them.

    Riding around Asia on a motorbike for the last couple of years has unlearned a lot of this kinda stuff, but it's coming back pretty quick!
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    nudenurd wrote: »
    Yeah I'm enrolled in the fast-track training and I'm spending the next ~5 weeks setting up and breaking machines. In fact, I'm half way through setting up a small lab to practice on which I'll be making a hole to through my firewall.

    If anyone would be willing to log into my practice box and 'break' it for me, I'd appreciate it. I'm not talking about `rm -rf /`, more like creating issues with its setup so I have to diagnose and fix them.

    Riding around Asia on a motorbike for the last couple of years has unlearned a lot of this kinda stuff, but it's coming back pretty quick!

    5 weeks + the fast track training should be enough I guess, but tell me what's your background in Linux ? what kind of experience do you have ?

    riding around Asia in a motorbike sounds interesting ! maybe you can tell us more about this too !

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    nudenurdnudenurd Registered Users Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I've got around 4 years experience working in linux admin type roles for big companies. The last was Virgin Blue Airlines where I was an infrastructure engineer, tasked with researching and deploying new technologies on linux hosts (as well as setting everything up).

    Been playing with Linux since 2.2 setting up free web hosting using my old man's cable connection. That year-long venture was cut short when the ISP pulled the plug and told me to stop dicking around on a residential connection.

    Basically taught myself everything I know and never really saw the benefit in getting formal qualifications. Between man pages and google I can solve almost any problem, however that's just not gonna cut it for the RHCE from what I gather!

    The bike? Started off as a backpacker but quickly grew out of that and upgraded to a chopper-style bike. Toured greater south east asia getting up to all sorts of mischief and ended up living in Cambodia. Through my contacts there I've managed to get the ear of the Ministry of Commerce who need a new data centre. That's why I'm back in Australia refreshing my knowledge before I go back and launch into the project. Should be interesting...
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    I think your experience is more than enough, but as you said, there's no google in the exam, and you don't have enough time read all the mans you want.

    But as I told you, It's not difficult at all, you just need to know how these services are implemented in RedHat itself. Pay attention to the RHCT part, some there's a slight difference between each Linux/unix distor. Make sure you know that everything you do persists across reboots, and you should also know by heart how to implement security for each and every service either using a firewall(iptables, my choice) or by tcp_wrappers.

    nudenurd wrote: »
    I've got around 4 years experience working in linux admin type roles for big companies. The last was Virgin Blue Airlines where I was an infrastructure engineer, tasked with researching and deploying new technologies on linux hosts (as well as setting everything up).

    Been playing with Linux since 2.2 setting up free web hosting using my old man's cable connection. That year-long venture was cut short when the ISP pulled the plug and told me to stop dicking around on a residential connection.

    Basically taught myself everything I know and never really saw the benefit in getting formal qualifications. Between man pages and google I can solve almost any problem, however that's just not gonna cut it for the RHCE from what I gather!

    The bike? Started off as a backpacker but quickly grew out of that and upgraded to a chopper-style bike. Toured greater south east asia getting up to all sorts of mischief and ended up living in Cambodia. Through my contacts there I've managed to get the ear of the Ministry of Commerce who need a new data centre. That's why I'm back in Australia refreshing my knowledge before I go back and launch into the project. Should be interesting...

    Learn GRC! GRC Mastery : https://grcmastery.com 

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