How to organize help desk/noc software on my resume?

JockVSJockJockVSJock Member Posts: 1,118
So I'm updating my resume, and want to detail some of the software that I use for my Level I help desk/noc job.

Here is what I currently have:

Technical Proficiencies:
Service Management: FrontRange HEAT
Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; Windows Server 2003/2008;
Various Linux Distros (Slackware, Debian and Ubuntu) and Apple OS X
Applications: Microsoft Office 2003/2007, Microsoft MBSA, Microsoft SMS,
Microsoft Sharepoint, SCCM Client Center, Safeguard Encryption, McAfee Anti Virus, Symantic Anti-Virus and Citrix XenApps
Network Monitoring: SolarWinds Orion and IBM Tivoli
Virtualization: VMWare Virtual Center and Sun Virtual Box
Hardware: Dell, Gateway, HP and IBM Desktops and Notebooks; Defcon
Security Device and various local and network printers and scanners

I want to add the following, but my big hang up is that this is all 1st level work and I want to basically show that I've monitor a bunch of stuff, however I can do more then just that...and not really sure how to communicate this to future employers.

Some of the software includes:
-Hitachi Password Manager
-Citrix XenApp
-Utimaco Safeguard
-Blackberry Manager
-Cisco Secure Mail
-Empiris OneSight
-Tandberg Management Suite

***Freedom of Speech, Just Watch What You Say*** Example, Beware of CompTIA Certs (Deleted From Google Cached)

"Its easier to deceive the masses then to convince the masses that they have been deceived."


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