Easy question, CLI, batch file, xcopy question

mickeycoronadomickeycoronado Member Posts: 71 ■■□□□□□□□□
Ugghh...yes another thread by me. Sorry guys. This actually has to do with a simple batch file I have to make for my lab work. I made a simple file to use xcopy to copy an entire directory to a disk. I had no issues with that but there's a question that asks:

"If you wanted to modify this batch program so you can specify the name of the directory you want to copy each time you use that batch program, what would you do?"

I don't recall reading this in the book yet and I'm up to pg.349, I've googled but maybe I'm not typing in the correct search words or whatever. Is this a trick question? Or is this something that's right in front of my face and I'll regret posting this thread? I've looked here: Xcopy but still couldn't find anything. Any suggestions?

(Yes, I know, I'm a newb with the CLI but I'm trying at least)
"Are you suggesting that coconuts are migratory?!"


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