Sysprep issue, again!

Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
Trying to sysprep a Dell E6400, running Vista Enterprise, 32 bit. All programs installed, patches applied, good to go. Yet, every single damn time I run sysprep, I get the following error :

"Wdfcoinstaller1005.dll is not designed to be run on Windows, or the file is courrupt."

The only thing M$ says is to just reinstall. Well it's not that simple when I have 15-20 laptops to reimage every week. The error pops-up twice, and then sysprep finishes. If I take the image anyway, I get an error while deploying it.

This has been dogging me for 2 months already, and I'm nearing my wits end! It does not happen on any other model machine we have, and they are all based off the same source DVD. I even tried to copy that file from a successfully cloned machine, and it still fails.

Has anyone ever seen anything like this before, or have any clue as to how to get around? I'm falling behind so far now, I literally spend 8 hours a day imaging machines one by one, and then installing over 12 long install programs; which leaves very little time to get my other work completed.
i remain, he who remains to be....


  • CompuTron99CompuTron99 Member Posts: 542
    Ricka182 wrote: »
    Trying to sysprep a Dell E6400, running Vista Enterprise, 32 bit. All programs installed, patches applied, good to go. Yet, every single damn time I run sysprep, I get the following error :

    "Wdfcoinstaller1005.dll is not designed to be run on Windows, or the file is courrupt."

    Other than the OS, OS patches, and hardware drivers, what programs are you installing? I'm curious if one of the programs is causing the issue (i.e. Roxio).
  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    Just Adobe Reader, MS Office Communicator(IM Client), and a Cisco VPN client... I said over 12 originally, but it's really just those 3 that are required. The rest are dependent on which department, and usually installed post-deployment. Office is also there, but it comes as part of the original source DVD. This hasn't happened to any other tech who does similar work in my company...

    I just had to 100% restart again from scratch, for some reason the error this time caused it to become unbootable. I've also tried over 5 different laptops, same model. Any other model and it works fine...
    i remain, he who remains to be....
  • gezzygezzy Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Can't say i've had this exact problem. But yeah I guess your best bet is to start from scratch.
  • ClaymooreClaymoore Member Posts: 1,637
    One of your drivers is bad. This article will show you what to look for in the log files to determine which driver is bad, otherwise you will need to go back and get new versions of all your drivers and re-sysprep.

    Debugging Driver Installation (Windows Driver Kit)

    This is much easier to prevent if you get away from thick images and move to the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit to handle the driver and software installation.
  • kriscamaro68kriscamaro68 Member Posts: 1,186 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Sounds like there is an issue with a driver somewhere. Do a search on the computer for the .dll that is coming up with the error and try to pin point the driver that is causing the issue. At that point check for an updated driver or disable the device in device manager and without ever installing the driver or let windows try to install a driver for it and sysprep it to see if it works. Also just try installing just vista and then try syspreping it and see if that works as well leaving all other programs off for the test. You can always capture an image of the computer as well to save time later if the progblem persists after the install of a certain program or driver.
  • SilentsoulSilentsoul Member Posts: 260
    i hate this problem with dell laptops. Turned out to be the fingerprint reader. I yanked the driver, since we don't use the thing anyway, and everything was smooth after that.
  • Daniel333Daniel333 Member Posts: 2,077 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Ricka182 wrote: »
    Just Adobe Reader, MS Office Communicator(IM Client), and a Cisco VPN

    Just wanted to warn you, I recently had some trouble with the Cisco VPN client on machines we had sysprepped. When user changed DNS servers, DNS would fail to resolve. Somehow it became "locked" when VPN'd in.

    This was on Vista and 7 x64, so might not impact you. Just thought I would recommend you test.
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