Is there an app that helped anyone with the CEH or ITILv3 ?
Please let me know thanks!
Please let me know thanks!
SephStorm Member Posts: 1,731 ■■■■■■■□□□+1 JD. I can't actually give you more rep, but my heart is in the right place.
JDMurray Admin Posts: 13,105 AdminLet me just say that requesting pirated, copyrighted, and cheating materials is against the rules of TechExams, and doing so will get you banned from accessing this site pretty damn quickly (and even quicker if mikej412 gets to you first).
Assuming you are asking for practice exam materials that can be purchased from a legitimate training and study materials vendor, yes, you can find such materials for the CEH exam from training vendors like PrepLogic. -
jungtao Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□Your taking what I'm saying the wrong way. There are 100's of apps out there that help you with the exam. I'm trying to filter out which one is the best one for the price you pay..
Man, you guys take things the WRONG way. I'm requesting for help study guides..Get with the 21st century..Everyone studies of iphones/ipads these days. -
JDMurray Admin Posts: 13,105 AdminYes an app that gives you questions/answers to the exam
historian1974 Member Posts: 59 ■■■□□□□□□□Get with the 21st century..Everyone studies of iphones/ipads these days.
colemic Member Posts: 1,569 ■■■■■■■□□□To the OP, to answer your question, I have not seen anything that I would call useful in my studies. Although I am sitting CISA in June, and found one that had a lot of practice questions for that. Haven't seen much anything else I felt would be beneficial, free or not.Working on: staying alive and staying employed
Daniel333 Member Posts: 2,077 ■■■■■■□□□□Yes an app that gives you questions/answers to the exam
I think you mean to say you are looking for some General Practice Q&A. Your wording came off like you were looking for cheats.
The ebooks seem to have more practice Q&A than anything else. Just sift through and find something that works for you.-Daniel -
JDMurray Admin Posts: 13,105 AdminBy the way, if anyone knows, or hears, of a IT certification apps for any mobile device, please post about it. I'd really like to know what kinds of exam training and practice exam apps have hit the mobile apps market.
SephStorm Member Posts: 1,731 ■■■■■■■□□□Back when I was in training, some students had the Security+ ebook, some simply read it, some quiz dumped, and I would not be surprised if some literally dumped.
To the OP: We dont mean to offend, a better way to phrase the question would have been:
"Yes an app that gives you practice questions and answers to prepare for the exam"
the key words are practice, and prepare. many people go looking for the questions and answers to the exam, which is what you asked for. A simple mistake, but im sure one day you will understand our harshness.