Kindle DX Format help

Darian929Darian929 Member Posts: 197

I recently bought a kindle dx and I love it. Only issue it I have a bunch of technical books in pdf and when I imported them they look alright but the font is a bit to small... when I turn it in landscape font is nice and big. I tried a sample from the same book i have in pdf from the amazon kindle store and the font looks much better. I've tried a couple of converting programs but they seem to put the font in the right size but mess up the graphs and pictures. Anyone know here how to do it right?



  • thehourmanthehourman Member Posts: 723
    I have DX Graphite, but all my PDF looks fine. Actually, it auto cropped the PDF so the margin is gone, and the fonts are bigger.
    Working on CCNA: Security. Start date: 12.28.10
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  • Darian929Darian929 Member Posts: 197
    Well I have a dx graphite also and I know what you mean because on mines the pdf's are also automatically cropped to fit the page of the kindle... however the fonts are a bit small to read from a distance.. i dont want to strain my eyes to much. If I were to download actual kindle books the font looks amazing.
  • thehourmanthehourman Member Posts: 723
    Converting PDF into mobi won't help at all, especially if the PDF has screenshots, table, graph, or any graphic.

    If you don't want to use PDF then the only option you have is buying either the .mobi or .azw ebooks.

    I love my Kindle DX and I use it mainly for my PDFs for my studies and some azw fantasy book I bought.
    I don't like the azw version of any study material because of formatting. I think Kindle is only good for story book.
    Working on CCNA: Security. Start date: 12.28.10
    Microsoft 70-640 - on hold (This is not taking me anywhere. I started this in October, and it is December now, I am still on page 221. WTH!)
    Network Warrior - Currently at Part II
    Reading IPv6 Essentials 2nd Edition - on hold
  • zerglingszerglings Member Posts: 295 ■■■□□□□□□□
    The font might be small for some people but it's fine with me. I love my Kindle DXG, but I still would rather have the physical book. However, having no space for physical books means I have to suck it up.
    :study: Life+
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