Dell Latitude e4310

CompuTron99CompuTron99 Member Posts: 542
I am curious if anyone here has deployed or uses the Dell Latitude e4310 notebook? We have a few being used, and have been nothing but trouble (BSODs, Lockups, faulty mainboards, etc).
We are running Win 7 Pro 32-bit / 4GB / 250GB.


  • Darian929Darian929 Member Posts: 197
    I can't tell you I've used that exact same model but man do I love the Dell Latitudes. For me I think they are great in battery life and performance. I really don't know if it just happens to be your batch but I have good experience with them.
  • QHaloQHalo Member Posts: 1,488
    We have several hundred of them and we're not seeing issues like those. How are your drivers on them? Are you using the ones from Dell or just letting Windows 7's?
  • CompuTron99CompuTron99 Member Posts: 542
    QHalo wrote: »
    We have several hundred of them and we're not seeing issues like those. How are your drivers on them? Are you using the ones from Dell or just letting Windows 7's?

    I'm using all the latest drivers from Dell. Luckily we only have a few in service. Most are using D630 and E6510s.
  • Darian929Darian929 Member Posts: 197
    They came installed with windows 7 already or another O.S and you loaded 7 onto there?
  • CompuTron99CompuTron99 Member Posts: 542
    Darian929 wrote: »
    They came installed with windows 7 already or another O.S and you loaded 7 onto there?

    They came pre-installed with Windows 7 Pro (32-bit). Since we only have 2 in service we did not rebuild the OS from scratch. Dell's already replaced the motherboards on each them for separate issues. It's tough to "pin-point" when they are locking up.
  • Darian929Darian929 Member Posts: 197
    Have you tried recording the BSOD error #? Have you tried looking at event viewer or doing a chkdsk on the hard drive?
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