Dam pain of a virus!!!!

Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135

I have been given an ACER ASPIRE ONE ZG5 which has one hell of a virus, logging in as user or admin account goes straight to a screen called "WindowsSafemode" has the safemode displayed in each corner, this link below describes the problem and also further down gives the solution, but.......

Windows Safe Mode Virus - Viruses, Spyware and other Nasties

With explorer.exe and task manager being disabled the fix was to F8 on boot and choose safemode with CMD

the type this - "REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

I must have the 2nd version of this virus because it seems to have disabled some letters on my keyboard which stops me from typing out the full CMD command to re-enable task manager

and to add insult to injury, I need to get files off this laptop before a re-install but dont know how to get past the virus, an option would be to take out the drive and put it in my PC but this particular model doesn't give easy access to the drive so the whole laptop needs to be dismantled, and then I would need to purchase an laptop IDE convertor, grr

If you kept up with this please let me know if you can help, last resort is the screwdriver but that will take me hours!!!!!!!!


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