CCVP Timeline Goal Question

MichaelCookMichaelCook Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello. I apologize if this has been asked but I was unable to find it in my searches. Last month I passed IIUC and achieved CCNA Voice. I am now starting my CCNP Voice studies and wanted some guidance on the amount of time I should set to accomplish this without slacking off but also without setting an unrealistic goal. I would like to pass all the exams before the next version change. As well I do not work in a voice environment so I do expect this to take longer. If anyone can give me some input on the questions below I would really appreciate it.

1) How long did it take you to reach CCVP or how long do you expect it to take based on your current progress?
2) Do you work in a UC role?
3) Historically how often has Cisco changed the exam versions? For example when was v6 introduced?


  • MichaelCookMichaelCook Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I think I found the answer to v6 to v8 timeframe if anyone can confirm. I read some forum post indicating Aug 1, 2008 was when 642-436 replaced the Call Manager exam.
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    1) It took me roughly 18 months from start to finish - which included a little detour (CCNA:Security) along the way. I think with moderate to heavy studying (and labbing) an average of 2-3 months per exam is a pretty good guideline for all Cisco professional level tests; of course individual mileage may vary.

    2) Yes, amongst plenty of other duties!

    3) Mid-2008 sounds about right - the single CCM test was replaced by CPT1/2 and the gatekeeper specific test was dissolved into CVOICE.
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • IPDirectIPDirect Member Posts: 48 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I haven't done the whole CCNP Voice track, but I can tell you my method of attack:

    1. Read the quick reference guide 3x
    2. Watch the CBT nuggets
    3. Read through the quick reference guide one more, and read the main text book for anything I dont fully understand.
    4. Lab, lab lab
    5. take exam

    I've found this to be a very successful plan for the tests I've done so far, especially with the new quick reference guides that just came out (The CVOICE QRG is 230 pages!). I generally spend around 250-300 hours of prep per exam. Keep in mind thats to fully understand everything to where you score pretty high, if your goal is just to pass exams, I'm sure it would take much less time.
  • IPDirectIPDirect Member Posts: 48 ■■□□□□□□□□
    pitviper wrote: »
    1) and the gatekeeper specific test was dissolved into CVOICE.

    The thing that kind of sucks is that CVOICE is getting to be a pretty hefty exam now.

    It doesn't seem like much was REMOVED from v6 to v8 either...just QOS and CME and a few more things added in. Oh well.
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    IPDirect wrote: »
    The thing that kind of sucks is that CVOICE is getting to be a pretty hefty exam now.

    It doesn't seem like much was REMOVED from v6 to v8 either...just QOS and CME and a few more things added in. Oh well.

    Yes, CVOICE does indeed seem to be getting a little hefty. And don't get me started on the removal of a dedicated QoS test! It has to be one of the most misunderstood topics in all of Cisco world!
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • MichaelCookMichaelCook Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the replies. They are very helpful. I have noticed that CVoice seems to have grown with the CME and QoS additions. I think the IIUC prep will help me with a lot of the material, especially the CME. I also think the "heftiness" will only help me in prepping for the other exams as I will have a stronger base. My plan so far has been using the Cvoice 8 rough cuts by Kevin Wallace as well as all of his videos. Labbing along with this to see the commands in use and test with softphones for now. After this is done I plan on doing some labs I have seen posted on here as well as my own made up scenarios and an attempt at the 1300 page SRND monstrosity, lol. I will check out the quick ref quides as I had not seen those yet.
  • chmorinchmorin Member Posts: 1,446 ■■■■■□□□□□
    pitviper wrote: »
    Yes, CVOICE does indeed seem to be getting a little hefty. And don't get me started on the removal of a dedicated QoS test! It has to be one of the most misunderstood topics in all of Cisco world!

    I'll get you started ;)

    The QoS exam was not removed from Cisco Professional level exams, they just removed it from the CCNP: Voice curriculum. A vast majority of the information in that exams deals with important information from an ISP's standpoint, and brushes over the QoS aspects in a LAN environment or a WAN Voice environment. With it becoming harder and harder to find a WAN link with less than 1MB bandwidth both ways, QoS in voice is not nearly as detailed as it used to be. Mostly what we need to know involves policing and keeping the delay even between the voice packets, and making sure the spaces inbetween the delay is properly used by other types of data. This, and a few other things, are probably still covered in CVOICE. The more detailed stuff for ISP's can be found in the CCIP track =)

    That's my thoughts on it, anyway!

    Also, I'm only two exams in the track. But I have a goal to have my CCVP by the end of the year, or earlier if I get enough time and experience to properly prepare for the exam. I set my goals for every three months though. I work in a CUCM environment, so that helps.
    Currently Pursuing
    WGU (BS in IT Network Administration) - 52%| CCIE:Voice Written - 0% (0/200 Hours)
    mikej412 wrote:
    Cisco Networking isn't just a job, it's a Lifestyle.
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Ahh, yes - but a single chapter breakdown in a book isn't nearly enough exposue to help you fix other people's QoS mistakes as you encounter them in the wild!! Hopefully they do it some justice. I would rather be overexposed to a subject than under.
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • mikej412mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
    pitviper wrote: »
    Hopefully they do it some justice.
    I still think they should have made QoS the 4th CCNP exam. :D
    :mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set!
  • chmorinchmorin Member Posts: 1,446 ■■■■■□□□□□
    mikej412 wrote: »
    I still think they should have made QoS the 4th CCNP exam. :D

    I agree. The CCNP's are going to be in charge of LAN/WAN networks and they are not expected to understand basic QoS functionality? Bah-humbug.

    I think there should be two levels of QoS exams. One for ISP's and one for basic LAN/WAN functionality.

    And I'm with you pitviper, hopefully they take time to properly explain they why's and the what's, otherwise it will be 'that' chapter in the book. And we all know about having to read 'that' chapter.
    Currently Pursuing
    WGU (BS in IT Network Administration) - 52%| CCIE:Voice Written - 0% (0/200 Hours)
    mikej412 wrote:
    Cisco Networking isn't just a job, it's a Lifestyle.
  • tomaifauchaitomaifauchai Member Posts: 301 ■■■□□□□□□□
    chmorin wrote: »
    I think there should be two levels of QoS exams. One for ISP's and one for basic LAN/WAN functionality.

    I'm with you on this, they probably should skip the policing/shaping for NP voice and leave it only for the CCIP.

    But is someone have attended the CVOICE8 yet? They have dissolved some QoS into it but i've not bought the rough cuts nor anything to see what topics they are talking about.
  • IPDirectIPDirect Member Posts: 48 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I'm with you on this, they probably should skip the policing/shaping for NP voice and leave it only for the CCIP.

    But is someone have attended the CVOICE8 yet? They have dissolved some QoS into it but i've not bought the rough cuts nor anything to see what topics they are talking about.

    A very significant portion of the new cvoice exam is QOS. I actually went back and watched the full CBT nuggets of the QOS exams, and I'm glad I did, because I got some questions that weren't covered in the rough cuts of the book.
  • MichaelCookMichaelCook Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Wow, I never expected so many replies. Thank you all. It is very helpful. If anyone is looking for some additional material there are a number of free videos from Kevin Wallace (Author of Cisco Press' Cvoice v8 learning guide) on his site 1examamonth. I hope posting this does not violate any forum rules. This month is CIPT1/2 and there are a number of v6 videos on there for free as well.
  • tokhsstokhss Member Posts: 473
    Mileage does vary... for me.. working full time, girlfriend time, family time.. and life's surprises.. from CCNA_V to my current position (2 tests away from ccnp-v) ... its taken me at least 15 months. Unfortunately, i stopped studying for 6 - 8 months due to a noisy roommate but been back on track and pumping out tests every 2-3 months..I should take my next test sometime late april /early may and be done with it by end of june/begin July.

    I dont know how long it will take me to do the ccie-v written but im not thinking about that just yet lol.

    good luck and stay focused. highs n lows are bound.. just stick to it.
  • MichaelCookMichaelCook Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the responses. I am going to try for an exam every 3 months. As I don't work in a UC role or enviro, I am trying to change this :), and I do have to balance full-time work and two kids under 5, I think this is a fair goal based on your responses. Thank you.
  • sieffsieff Member Posts: 276
    Hello. I apologize if this has been asked but I was unable to find it in my searches. Last month I passed IIUC and achieved CCNA Voice. I am now starting my CCNP Voice studies and wanted some guidance on the amount of time I should set to accomplish this without slacking off but also without setting an unrealistic goal. I would like to pass all the exams before the next version change. As well I do not work in a voice environment so I do expect this to take longer. If anyone can give me some input on the questions below I would really appreciate it.

    1) How long did it take you to reach CCVP or how long do you expect it to take based on your current progress?
    2) Do you work in a UC role?
    3) Historically how often has Cisco changed the exam versions? For example when was v6 introduced?
    1) How long did it take you to reach CCVP or how long do you expect it to take based on your current progress?

    Uhmm. Good question. I started in 2009 and passed my CIPT1 6.0, then got detoured getting Cisco Partner specializations. I started back last month and passed CVOICE before the v8. (If anyone knows if my CIPT1 exam will expire in 2 yrs or not pm me). I believe I'll finish CCNP Voice by end of April.

    2) Do you work in a UC role?

    Yes, I've been installing UC products for about 6 years now (should have gotten CCVP a long time ago).

    3) Historically how often has Cisco changed the exam versions? For example when was v6 introduced? - I have no answer for this ... I don't see the v8.0 exam changing anytime soon. I think at most certification in Cisco UCS or Virtualization will be needed. Its pretty in demand right now.
    "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept were toiling upward in the night." from the poem: The Ladder of St. Augustine, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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