Passed 70-271 exam today
Ya baby, passed with a 900! Just thought I would let some one know! I also the used the charles river media MCDST exams book in combination with the free measure up test that you get when you purchase your exam voucher from microsoft.
That which is easily obtained, is lightly esteemed!
jacev1 Member Posts: 107
When R U taking 70-272?Wars not make one great. Coffee makes one Great!
- Master Yoda -
ynaji Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
It was a good score. Good for you. I wish you the best. I am new in the field and I am taking MCDST class. I would like to which material did you use to prepare for the 271 Test and which ones were helpful to pass the exam .
Please provide feedback/
Thank you
Jason Naji