70-647 practice test update

It looks like Self Test Software updated their 70-647 practice test for 2008 R2. They changed their format to have some multiple choice and 4 testlets. This was good timing since I plan on finally getting this test out of the way next week.
Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
Really? Did you buy the thing and then discover the updates? I just looked on their website andPlease note this exam does not currently include R2 topic coverage, but will in the future.
I looked here > Kaplan SelfTest Microsoft MCITP 70-647 Training Products - Practice tests and Online Courses - 70-647
I hope their practice tests are R2 as I need them too. -
Todd Burrell Member Posts: 280
I bought the test pre-R2 updates, and I checked every week or so for an update. Yesterday I checked and the R2 updates were available. So I'm not sure about the web site, but I did get the R2 updates for the 70-647 yesterday. The format of the test totally changed from just 140 questions to 130-140 questions and 4 testlets, and the content now has R2 content. -
neathneathneath Member Posts: 438
Over the past year or so I have bought the 70-648, 70-646 and the 70-643 Transcender practice tests.
I did an update via the web and at least one of these updated to a completely different exam format.
What i'm saying is that if you've bought the test, you can update to latest version when its available. (probably covering the R2 aspect then).
(I would assume selftest is the same as its made by same company) -
memoman88 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Just activated my 70-647 and it has questions and scenarios like the testlets. -
Todd Burrell Member Posts: 280
I checked today and MeasureUp and Transcender both now have 2008 R2 content, although the Trancender price of $139 is quite high. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
Good to hear you guys have the updated practice exams. They didn't update these til just a few days before I took the test.
Good luck guys and study hard. Be sure to study all the scenarios in the MS Press book as they helped me to prepare.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
sherrill Member Posts: 54 ■■□□□□□□□□
Although I'm studying for the 70-640 I'd like to comment that the Self Test software I purchased about a month ago definitely includes R2 content.
I realized it when I got a question on Authentication Mechanism Assurance and Deploying Multiple-Forest Certificates, which is not anywhere in the MS Press book I was using.