Linux help

jjbrogjjbrog Member Posts: 149
ok not gonna lie, this is for class, but I got into a bind and missed a couple weeks of class, and am having trouble with some of the homework cause of it. I'm NOT looking for the answers(the instructor posted them actually, so you'd just be repeating them), but some guidance in how to get this to all work myself.

The real deal is the test on tuesday which I am worried about, I am over 100% on this course and don't wanna ruin that!

heres the first one
Linux Admin 2
Week 8
1. (5 points) Create a windows share for the /shared folder on your desktop station. Show the
configuration file changes needed to the /etc/samba/smb.conf file necessary to create that share.
2. (5 points) Load a Windows XP virtual machine from the ISO file on the instructor's “shared”
share. Verify that connection to your local “shared” share works from that machine as well.
3. (5 points) Create another directory /private and a share called “private” that is only accessible to
a unique user that you create on your own machine. Create a Windows XP user, and a Linux
user with smb password that can access that share. Show the configuration file changes needed
to the /etc/samba/smb.conf file necessary to create that share, including the directives that
specify a unique user being able to connect. Also show the Linux ownership and directory
permissions on the /private directory you have created.
4. (5 points) Create a Linux group called “mygroup” and add your unique user and your happyuser
to that group. Create a share /mygroup and share it as “mygroup”. Show the configuration file
changes needed to the /etc/samba/smb.conf file necessary to create that share. Also show the
Linux ownership and directory permissions on the /mygroup directory you have created.
5. (5 points) Create a share on the Windows XP virtual machine and connect to it with smbclient.
Show a connection log and transfer a file to and from the Windows and Linux machine to verify

and the second one :
• (5 points) Configure your mail server such that it can successfully receive mail from external
machines. What did you have to do?
• (5 points) Set up a test account named emailuser. . Send an email to your local machine from an
external machine with telnet. What did you have to type?
• (5 points) Check your email on your local machine for your default user. Send an email to your
test user. What did you have to do?
• (5 points) Check your email on your local machine for your email test user. Reply to your
email from your default user. What did you have to do?
• (5 points) Configure your mail server so that it is listening for only pop3s and imaps traffic. Get
instructor sign-off.

Thanks for any help! I really wanna learn linux, but kinda got to some sticking points, if anyone knows of any step by step videos that'd be awesome!

Oh and the distro is ubuntu 10.10
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