New Poster

instant000instant000 Member Posts: 1,745
I'm a new poster here. Just here to soak up the good knowledge, and hopefully, give some back also.

I'm currently pursuing the ITIL V3 Foundation.

Also, I'm looking at going back to school for an MBA, currently filling out the apps and whatnot for that, with a hopeful fall start. (I did consider a technical degree, but I pick up technical stuff fast enough as it is, and I want to be seen as more "well-rounded")

I'm also interested in the CISSP, but after reading the 1,000+ Shon Harris book, don't think I'm ready on the full BOK yet, and am going to explore some more resources, to get deeper knowledge. (This site has some great links on it.)

I see lots of helpful postings on here, and don't see much of people trying to sell something (other than the ads that keep the site running), so it feels kinda warm and fuzzy here.

I saw there is a Fitness Challenge going, and I also see there's an annual 10,000 page challenge. I think it's safe to say that the 10K challenge is going to be easy to get this year. (I've already done 1,000 of Exchange Unleashed, 1,000 of Shon Harris, and however long is that David Prowse book earlier this year.)

My recent job, I'll admit, I'm not that busy on a daily basis (which is prone to change, as they continue to find ways to funnel more work over). So, what I have been doing in the down times is reading as much as possible, in order to expand my knowledge. As I'm interested in topics, I like to read on Microsoft Technet about some things. When I want to look at other topics, I often go to wikipedia as a starting point, and then branch out deeper, googling on specific topics (i.e., cryptography). It just so happened that I found this site, per chance, while looking something up (I forgot which at the time.)

I'll admit to aspiring to get onto the management track, so if anyone has any tips on getting there (and being successful) I would be glad to receive them.

I currently get job offers for Senior Technical or Management positions, but I honestly do not feel prepared yet, and am open to conversing with someone on PM about how to get there from here. One weakness that is readily apparent is "projects". I took project management class en route to my B.S., and have worked on many projects, but never really led any projects. I've lead projects in a "technical" sense, but not in a "management" sense, if that makes any sense? (I wonder if that last sentence made any "sense"?) To be clear, I've had the responsibility of completing tasks, and making sure that milestones are met, and meeting with stakeholders, and doing reviews of progress, etc., but I've not been the project manager.

I'm happy to be on these forums.
Currently Working: CCIE R&S
LinkedIn: (Please connect: Just say you're from TechExams.Net!)


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