Perfmon help
Hey guys. This is what I need. I have a syslog server that sends my staff
email alerts based off of events that are generated for the syslog server.
I have set perfmon for alerts in physical hard drive space reached then the syslog server sends me the event email based off of a string description.
I am setting perfmon events for the physical disk and want to know from your guy's IT experience how to set alerts for physical disk that
will for sure generate RAID controller errors or disk errors in the event log.
I would like to add a bunch of alerts and then in the syslog server filter set up string descriptions to alert to send me an alert email that cover words like (raid, error, failure) any combo of these send me an email on that host server to alert me to look at the raid set? before it fails
do you guys know what physical alert setting will out this kind of words to capture? or do you know of any good benchmark config for these alerts I have no clue what could generate words like raid failutre or raid error in the even logs so I can capture them to be sent to all of us via email.
email alerts based off of events that are generated for the syslog server.
I have set perfmon for alerts in physical hard drive space reached then the syslog server sends me the event email based off of a string description.
I am setting perfmon events for the physical disk and want to know from your guy's IT experience how to set alerts for physical disk that
will for sure generate RAID controller errors or disk errors in the event log.
I would like to add a bunch of alerts and then in the syslog server filter set up string descriptions to alert to send me an alert email that cover words like (raid, error, failure) any combo of these send me an email on that host server to alert me to look at the raid set? before it fails
do you guys know what physical alert setting will out this kind of words to capture? or do you know of any good benchmark config for these alerts I have no clue what could generate words like raid failutre or raid error in the even logs so I can capture them to be sent to all of us via email.