passed CEH v7 :)

failedcisspfailedcissp Member Posts: 31 ■■□□□□□□□□
guys want to let you know i passed the test.

i had great training through secureninja

i have a couple questions then i will start answering some


Is there a yearly fee i must pay like the CISSP?


I know i have to get 120 ECE's over 3 years. Any current CEH's tell me what do next? I am having issues logging into the ECE delta page thru the forum. EC - Council is no where as organized as ISC icon_sad.gif


  • ibcritnibcritn Member Posts: 340

    Yearly fee for CISSP is $85 bucks.

    I have issues logging into the portal as well lol yea....EC-Council doesn't have there stuff together like ISC2

    If you are asking what to do next? Security cert wise? Look into GIAC certs/SANS training :)
    CISSP | GCIH | CEH | CNDA | LPT | ECSA | CCENT | MCTS | A+ | Net+ | Sec+

    Next Up: Linux+/RHCSA, GCIA
  • failedcisspfailedcissp Member Posts: 31 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I think i'm gonna take some time to relax before i get another Cert, maybe PMP next. But as for next, i was talking about any fees that I have for the CEH and how to obtain ECE's blah i know i'm going to get everything confused now that I have to mix this in with the CISSP CPEs :/
  • rogue2shadowrogue2shadow Member Posts: 1,501 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I think i'm gonna take some time to relax before i get another Cert, maybe PMP next. But as for next, i was talking about any fees that I have for the CEH and how to obtain ECE's blah i know i'm going to get everything confused now that I have to mix this in with the CISSP CPEs :/

    I believe their ECEs can be done via their Delta portal:
    EC-Council ECE Delta System | FAQ

    There is no annual fees according to this quote:
    Are there any annual fees payable?
    To encourage continuous learning and development in our industry, EC-Council takes a leadership role in waiving ECE Annual Fees. We hope that this benefit to our members will be a catalyst in driving their enthusiasm to constantly learn and remain engaged in their industry.
  • blackholeblackhole Member Posts: 59 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Congratulations .... can you tell me about courseware you got from SecureNinja? is it diff or they give you same courseware available by eccouncil ? I am thinking of self-study option so wondering .....
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
    Congratz on passing the CEHv7 exam! icon_cheers.gif

    So what was the cost to take the CEHv7 exam?
  • powerfoolpowerfool Member Posts: 1,670 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I have not even seen the CEH v7 exam listed on Prometric or VUE... how do you sign up for it?
    2025 Renew: [ ] AZ-204 [ ] AZ-305 [ ] AZ-400 [ ] AZ-500 [ ] AI-900
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  • Dakinggamer87Dakinggamer87 Member Posts: 4,016 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Congrats on pass!! icon_thumright.gif
    *Associate's of Applied Sciences degree in Information Technology-Network Systems Administration
    *Bachelor's of Science: Information Technology - Security, Master's of Science: Information Technology - Management
    Matthew 6:33 - "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

    Certs/Business Licenses In Progress: AWS Solutions Architect, Series 6, Series 63
  • failedcisspfailedcissp Member Posts: 31 ■■□□□□□□□□
    SecureNinja course work was basic ec council stuff...everything is updated with version 7 though...i would highly recommend their class though...the labs were not that great which kinda sucked but it was the first class of v7 so i cut them some slack there...however the practice tests were really good and the actual test had a lot of simliar questions so that was helpful in preparing for the test.

    as for the cost ....i am not sure b/c i took the boot camp that included the test pass for 2500 and my work paid for it....

    but i think the test itself is around 300 dollars

    as for siging up for it...not sure on that either..the computers were set up for us already when we went in the lab to take the test so all i had to was pass the was nice :D

    good luck to everyone trying it soon!
  • blackholeblackhole Member Posts: 59 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Congratulations, just wondering if you allowed to sell coursework and its ethical for us to buy it ?
  • failedcisspfailedcissp Member Posts: 31 ■■□□□□□□□□
    not sure we need a pro's opinion ha
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
    Read the End-User Licensing Agreement for the materials. Or email SecureNinja and ask.
  • ccnaomkarccnaomkar Member Posts: 187 ■■□□□□□□□□
  • blackholeblackhole Member Posts: 59 ■■□□□□□□□□
    congratulations ...... way to go. icon_cheers.gif
  • blackholeblackhole Member Posts: 59 ■■□□□□□□□□
    do they have Simulations in exam ?
  • cdupuiscdupuis Inactive Imported Users Posts: 32 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Good day to all,

    First let me say that I am the CLO at SecureNinja and we are proud of our training deliveries. Yes, there was some issues with the labs initially, we are not the only ATC that suffered through this. Many training centers had the same issues. This is why an update to the lab book was released only a few weeks after the initial launch. I guess this is what you expect from Version 1.0 of the CEH V7.

    Our main instructors Larry Greenblatt, Tom, and Michael Viens are all top notch instructors with years of experience under their belt. Testing is what they have done for years and it is what they continue to do today. They can talk the talk and walk the walk.

    We are using the EC-Council package because of the improved quality of the students books compared to version 6. You no longer received five rims of paper (2500 pages) and 67 modules. You get only two students manuals with 25 modules all printed in color.

    Even then, it must be realized that there is enough content in those book to teach for 10 days in a row if you cover everything. This is where an experience instructor will be able to weed out tools, labs, and content that would not be the most beneficial in real life. The EC-Council realize this and they even have a slide in the intro module stating very clearly that it is NOT possible to cover ALL tools and ALL labs in five days.

    The CEH V7 requires getting 120 ECE's over a three year period. Once nice thing is that it is CPE's per user instead of ECE's per certification. Which means if you have multiple certs from the EC-Council you still only need 120 per year.

    You can submit your ECE's at the Delta Portal at:

    EC-Council ECE Delta System

    The Delta Portal is fine to submit the CPE's but it seems the EC-Council are not communicating the whole ECE thing very clearly to people who have just become certified.

    You can see the list of activities that qualifies for ECE's at:

    EC-Council ECE Delta System

    If you look at the list you will see they are more open then ISC2 when it comes to what is eligible and there are many activities that are accepted. It is easy to get all of your ECE's. If you get a new security certification you get 40 ECE's.

    The document above has all of the details

    The main web site of the CEH has answer to most of the questions posted above as well. Take a look at: Security Training, CEH, Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Certified Ethical Hacker, Certified Hacker, Information Security Training, Computer security Training, Information Security Certification

    See more info about ECE's at:
    EC-Council | EC-Council Continuing Education Credits (ECE)

    Exam Fees

    If you have attended training at any accredited training center, you are eligible to attempt the web based Prometric Prime exam. This exam is priced at USD 500.
    If you have chosen self study, and are eligible for the exam as verified through the CEH Exam Eligibility Form submitted, you can take the test at any of the Authorized Prometric Testing Centers globally. This exam is priced at USD 500

    If you do self study you need a code to be able to book your exam at VUE or Prometric. There is a fee to apply for the code. The cost is $100 USD non refundable. See my posting on the subject at:

    The Professional Security Testers Warehouse for the CEH V7 GPEN CPTS CREST GCIH GREM OPST - CEH V7 Exam Non Refundable Eligibility Fees for Self Study students

    If you have any questions that you deem not relevant to this public forum feel free to contact me at

    I regularly post news about the CEH at: The Professional Security Testers Warehouse for the CEH V7 GPEN CPTS CREST GCIH GREM OPST

    Best regards to all


    Clement Dupuis
    CLO at Secure Ninja
  • colemiccolemic Member Posts: 1,569 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Holy moley, $600 to take the CEH? That is wayyy overpriced. I will take it through WGU so I don't have to worry about it, but when I looked into it, about 6 months ago, I KNOW the test fee wasn't $500. I want to say 250 or 300 (but could be wrong.)
    Working on: staying alive and staying employed
  • ehndeehnde Member Posts: 1,103
    What WGU degree program includes CEH?
    Climb a mountain, tell no one.
  • ootoot Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    ehnde wrote: »
    What WGU degree program includes CEH?

    The MS: Information and Security and Assurance includes the CEH.

    This program incorporates several IT certification exams into the curriculum. You will study for and complete the following certification exams (which are all included in your tuition — a huge cost savings for you):

    • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA®)
    • Cisco Certified Entry Network Technician (CCENT)
    • EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional Exam (312-76)
    • EC-Council Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures (EC0-350)
    • EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (EC0-349)
    • GIAC G2700 (Standards and Policies)
  • cdupuiscdupuis Inactive Imported Users Posts: 32 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Good day to all,

    I went to the source and verified what is the annual maintenance fee to maintain your certification. I have traded emails with the president of the EC-Council.

    Right now there is no AMF on the EC-Council certification.

    Only ECE's are currently required.

    Best regards

  • colemiccolemic Member Posts: 1,569 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Actually there are AMFs, they just built them into the cost of the test.
    Working on: staying alive and staying employed
  • grauwulfgrauwulf Member Posts: 94 ■■□□□□□□□□
    good job on the pass failedcissp!

    Yeah when I took the test last year it was, I'm pretty sure, $250. The revision notes on the ec website and in the portal seem to point to a much improved exam but I'm really surprised at the $600 price tag. That's expert level pricing for an entry/mid level exam. I could see that price for the new LPT but not for the CEH.

    It could be because they picked up the 8570 endorsement last April. There are only two exams that qualify you for two of the CND slots and the CEH will meet those and two of the other three. If you want to do analysis, support, reporting, or auditing in a CND (computer network defense) capacity for the DoD.... CEH is the way to go. Given that, I could see them jacking up the prices a bit. I don't like it, but I could see it happening.
  • colemiccolemic Member Posts: 1,569 ■■■■■■■□□□
    I can see justifying an increase, but I think doubling the cost of the voucher is a bit much.
    Working on: staying alive and staying employed
  • grauwulfgrauwulf Member Posts: 94 ■■□□□□□□□□

    This was a topic from April. I noticed the last few comments were from yesterday but I didn't notice the date on the initial topic. My bad I guess, but .... yeah ..... oh well icon_razz.gif
  • bmdbmd Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    guys want to let you know i passed the test.

    i had great training through secureninja

    i have a couple questions then i will start answering some


    Is there a yearly fee i must pay like the CISSP?


    I know i have to get 120 ECE's over 3 years. Any current CEH's tell me what do next? I am having issues logging into the ECE delta page thru the forum. EC - Council is no where as organized as ISC icon_sad.gif
    Congrates for the success....Which EC council books did you use for preparation?
  • Chirag7373Chirag7373 Registered Users Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    It was great experience. Finally, I cleared this v7 by self-study. I didn't buy any book or materials or not any training. I did self study and research on internet,wiki, Black hat archives, Defcon Archives. CEHv7 have plenty of scenario based question. If you are not in that situation or read any where then you are not able to answer it. It took me 3 hour with reviews and I got the 80 out of 100. Thanks & Have a fun.... Chirag....
  • rehan.rehan. Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Chirag7373 wrote: »
    It was great experience. Finally, I cleared this v7 by self-study. I didn't buy any book or materials or not any training. I did self study and research on internet,wiki, Black hat archives, Defcon Archives. CEHv7 have plenty of scenario based question. If you are not in that situation or read any where then you are not able to answer it. It took me 3 hour with reviews and I got the 80 out of 100. Thanks & Have a fun.... Chirag....

    Congrats on passing CEH V7. How much time did you take to study for it ? Please could you guide me on how to study for it.

    Are you from India by any chance?
  • fidzofidzo Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    congratulations ... hehe ... not in time
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