Need MCSE upgrade advice ?

Finished the MCSE (security) path last year and now starting to
work with W2K8 so thought best to look at upgrade path.
I read that 70-649 is whats required but is it best to take the three
(70-640, 642 and 643) separately ?
Near broke my brain doing 70-291/3 and so need an 'easier' root
this time !
Cheers for any advice
Finished the MCSE (security) path last year and now starting to
work with W2K8 so thought best to look at upgrade path.
I read that 70-649 is whats required but is it best to take the three
(70-640, 642 and 643) separately ?
Near broke my brain doing 70-291/3 and so need an 'easier' root
this time !
Cheers for any advice
spd3432 Member Posts: 224
I went the three test route to upgrade my MCSE -- only have 643 left to go. I did that because I couldn't find any good materials covering the upgrade path currently. I was able to use the MSPress self-study guides with a lot of supplemental reading (technet, etc) for 640 and 642. It looks like too many changes for 643 to even consider wasting my money on the self-study guide. If I'd tried to study for the 649 back in December instead of one test at a time, I'd have a stack of books and articles two-feet high I'd be trying to keep track of for a single exam.
If you can hold out a couple more weeks, Sybex has a book coming out on the 26th that is supposed to cover the three exams (640, 642, and 643). I did a pre-order on it from Amazon last week.
Sean----CCNP goal----
Route [ ] Studying
Switch [ ] Next
Tshoot [ ] Eventually -
docspawn Member Posts: 97 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi Sean
Thanks for reply, exactly info i was looking for. I will stick an order in
for the Sybex book too and take from there. Still might go down 3 exam route if too much a brain masher.
D.S. -
ssjaronx4 Member Posts: 37 ■■□□□□□□□□
649 is the way too go. Get the MS Press 649 book and cbt nuggets and you can pass the exam easy. Wasnt very difficult if you have read the book and had a little play with the technolgies. The exam covers mainly the new technologies and anything else will be stuff which you learnt at MCSE. Took me a couple of weeks to study and got almost full marks.