What to learn for programing

DevilWAHDevilWAH Member Posts: 2,997 ■■■■■■■■□□
OK after a small expedition in to PERL a month or so back. I am ready for the next step.

This time a slightly more ambitious project.

So my last project was to build a web page that you can enter in switch, port and vlan info to create a implementation script something like below

implementation date - 30/03/2011
========================= REF NUMBER ====================================
TPM engineer: Aaron     Scripted on 30/03/2011
TPM Start time:      TPM End time:    Time Worked: 0min
Server Name: SERVERXXX
Location: London
Rack: 45
ITSM ref: 
******** START OF SCRIPT ********
Log on to Switch: londonSW1 
conf t 
int Gi0/20
description SERVERXXX
switchport access vlan 201
Speed Auto
Duplex Auto
no shut
int Gi0/19
description SERVERXXX_ilo
switchport access vlan 656
Speed 100
Duplex Full
no shut
sh int status
wr mem
VLAN 201 = Subnet / 24
VLAN 656 = Subnet / 24
******** END OF SCRIPT ********
******** START OF SCRIPT ********
Log on to Switch: donSW2
conf t 
int Gi0/20
description SERVERXXX
switchport access vlan 201
Speed Auto
Duplex Auto
no shut
sh int status
wr mem
VLAN 201 = Subnet / 24
******** END OF SCRIPT ********
Commenced at:
Completed at:
Completed by:
Successful YES/NO
Script auto generated by web script

So next step it to create a stand alone application that can them parse this script, log on to the devices, carry out verification of the script, carry out pre checks of the ports to configure to insure they are not in use, apply the config and verify it has been implemented correctly. (providing a full report).

And yes I know I could purchase a program to do this but where is the fun in that :)

This program has to run on windows, and has to be stand alone. So I will need to find a open source ssh implementation.

But the question is what language to do it in?? many years back I did C++ but forgotton most of that, and been out of the programming loop for to long.

So any programers out there. If you where getting in to programming now, for windows applications. What would you chose? Keep hearing dot net thrown around, but this came after my experince.


  • If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
  • An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties. It means that its going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.


  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    DevilWAH wrote:
    If you where getting in to programming now, for windows applications. What would you chose? Keep hearing dot net thrown around, but this came after my experience.
    That's your answer right there, if you want to develop Windows applications "dot net" is the way to go. More specifically, the Express editions of Visual Studio are great to get started, and can be downloaded free at Visual Studio2010 Express Editions |Microsoft Visual Studio. You can choose C++, C#, or Visual Basic. Personally I wouldn't go for the C++ version if just starting with Windows applications, but many networking related code examples and open source projects are in C++ and you do have some experience with it so that might be a better choice for you.
  • undomielundomiel Member Posts: 2,818
    I would opt for C# as in my experience as a novice in both C# and C++ (several years ago) you can pick up C# and get developing a whole lot faster than with C++. When I was looking into doing something similar to what you're proposing, though sadly that project never went anywhere, I picked out this SSH implementation: Tamir Gal | SharpSSH - A Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET
    Jumping on the IT blogging band wagon -- http://www.jefferyland.com/
  • DevilWAHDevilWAH Member Posts: 2,997 ■■■■■■■■□□
    well after nearly two weeks of holiday I am back :) and started to get in to this a bit more.

    getting my head round C# now, especial the forms and dynamically creating them.

    just got to work out how it lays out the code, as I will need to be doing quite a lot of messing with it.

    I now have a few pages of A4 of things to do, and that's just to get the form working accepting / validating data!!

    If I get this to the level I want it it will be a great start in to C# programing.
    • If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
    • An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties. It means that its going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.
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