
SAS and OSU Data Mining Cert./Degree

fatpants007fatpants007 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
I am finishing up my BSIT-Database from WGU and I am really on a roll academically, so I was interested in this program from Oklahoma State University ---> Graduate Certificates

I am currently a police officer and I maintain/create databases and simple dashboards for our small department. Although I love my job, I have a family now and telling my kids that I won't be able to attend their ball games because daddy has to go stop meth heads from stabbing each other with broken bottles is not something I want to do.

So I was wondering, how desirable are SAS training and skills in the market place?

Would I be able to apply for SAS jobs with limited DB experience and a graduate certificate (or possibly OSU's MSMIS) or should I still target basic entry level jobs even with the certificate?

(I can afford the certificate now, so even if I wouldn't be qualified for higher level jobs with it I may go for it, just to have it in my back pocket when I gain more experience)
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