win server 2008 documentation

hi guysi been lookin for a good win server 2008 documentation(free) to study for my exams and make more practice.well there is too many tech websites about server 2008 but i need pdf or doc format.thanks.
LCA Member Posts: 215
hi guysi been lookin for a good win server 2008 documentation(free) to study for my exams and make more practice.well there is too many tech websites about server 2008 but i need pdf or doc format.thanks.
Hi John,
Have you had a peek at the Server 2008 resources (sticky) threads at the top of this Windows 2008 sub-forum? Unfortunately there isn't one single set of books that covers all. I used mostly the Technet library and the Windows Server 2008 Resource Kits when I was studying for the MCTIP:EA certification. Re Technet there are many step-by-step walkthroughs of key Server 2008 technologies which are very good learning tools.
spd3432 Member Posts: 224
If you need things in .doc or .pdf format so you can read them on some kind of portable device, you could download CutePDF writer, "print" the technet articles into .pdf format, then transport them that way. Unless you buy the MSPress books and grab the .pdf format books from the included CDs you probably won't find anything pre-formatted.
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Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
Being the suspicious person that I am, this person seems to be trawling for smelly ****. I hope I am wrong...