Am I just waisting my time?

Hello long time stalker of the boards first time poster.
I'm in a funk wondering if I'm just waisting my time doing the MCITP-CS "70-623" I have the MCTS "70-620" Certification and I'll be taking the 623 test in 3 weeks.
I keep hearing rumors that Microsoft is going to stop supporting Vista by April of 2012 a year from now and that would make the MCITP-CS a pointless Certification maybe?
The only reason why I'm doing the Vista route is because I'm currently going to a Tech School and that is the OS they are teaching. They are moving onto 680 and 685 next year.
But I'm currently working on the MCITP-SA and Security+ then I'll be doing the MCITP-ES next semester. So with getting my MCITP-SA and ES would it even matter to only have the MCITP-CS and not even worry about the 70-680 and 685 Certifications?
I'm in a funk wondering if I'm just waisting my time doing the MCITP-CS "70-623" I have the MCTS "70-620" Certification and I'll be taking the 623 test in 3 weeks.
I keep hearing rumors that Microsoft is going to stop supporting Vista by April of 2012 a year from now and that would make the MCITP-CS a pointless Certification maybe?
The only reason why I'm doing the Vista route is because I'm currently going to a Tech School and that is the OS they are teaching. They are moving onto 680 and 685 next year.
But I'm currently working on the MCITP-SA and Security+ then I'll be doing the MCITP-ES next semester. So with getting my MCITP-SA and ES would it even matter to only have the MCITP-CS and not even worry about the 70-680 and 685 Certifications?
Certifications: A+,Net+,MCTS-620,640,642,643,659,MCITP-622,623,646,647,MCSE-246
MickQ Member Posts: 628 ■■■■□□□□□□
If you're working on the SA, and looking at going down the road of admin rather than helpdesk, then I'd forget about the 623 and try and re-register it as a 640 or some other SA exam - if possible.
Is it the Enterprise Admin (EA) or Enterprise Support Tech (EST) next semester? -
Krunchi Member Posts: 237
I'm doing the SA - Server Admin 640, 642 and 646 Then Doing the Enterprise Admin 643 and 647 Route. Knocking out Server+ first part of June then Going to do my 640 and 642 Cert Test This summer when I'm out of school I'll have a couple of months to dedicate to them then the 646 soon after.
I have already spent money on two books and I have free testing through self test from the school and I have spent some time studying for my 623 and the major thing the 72 series only run $60 for students. I was just wondering if I do get my SA and EA should I got back and do win7 680 - 685 would it matter?
BTW just wrapping the course for 640 and loving the Software installation with group policy and WIS I worked in the IT field for five years 98-03 and would of killed to have that back then.Certifications: A+,Net+,MCTS-620,640,642,643,659,MCITP-622,623,646,647,MCSE-246 -
MickQ Member Posts: 628 ■■■■□□□□□□
It'd probably look better for the HR droids if you had the helpdesk cert. You probably know most of the material for that particular exam anyway.
Personally, I wouldn't bother going back to do the 680 and 685 if you've got the Vista versions and are going for the SA and EA. They're more significant. -
ehnde Member Posts: 1,103
If your experience is like mine, you're likely to find that all of your schools textbooks are going to be out of date. Those classes may contribute to your degree, but they do very little to get you certified. For example....your Server classes. I bet you they don't cover Server 2008 R2.
You'll need to do some serious self-study if you want to pass these exams. They are hard and a 8 week or 16 week college class won't prepare you for it.Climb a mountain, tell no one.