
A network security movie?

NightShade03NightShade03 Member Posts: 1,383 ■■■■■■■□□□
Just throwing this out there...but if you had to make a movie based on network/web security do you think you could pull it off? What topics / story line would you run with?

I've seen movies like The Matrix or Firewall that have some hacking in them...and there is always War Games. Just curious if others think a movie like this can actually be done?


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    kriscamaro68kriscamaro68 Member Posts: 1,186 ■■■■■■■□□□
    I think it could be done. I think "Sneakers" did a good job for its time. The problem with movies now days like this is they make up pure crap to make it look cool and they always put stupid a$$ computer sounds when people click on things or launch things. Also people typing in programs that obviously can't take any keyboard input at its present state and yet they type some keys on and hit enter and it amazingly starts doing some random crap. It drives me insane to see this kinda bs. The list goes on and on.

    I think someone needs to make a good movie out there with computer security. I think if they did a movie based off of a short story in a book called "Chained Exploits" about corporate espionage and actually use legit attacks and hardware then it makes it htat much better knowing it can be done in real life.

    P.S. that story was actually written by keatron who is a member here. You should check out the book for a entertaining and informative read.
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    rwmidlrwmidl Member Posts: 807 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Personally I'd like to see a movie made on the phone phreakers of the 70's-80's, or maybe even something on Kevin Mitnick (maybe a bio).

    My all time "favorite" hacking movie (due to it being more or less "plausible") has to be "Sneakers". Besides, it had an excellent cast. Another good one (though not "hacker" related) was "Pirates of Silicon Valley". Noah Wyle played an excellent Steve Jobs.
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    SteveO86SteveO86 Member Posts: 1,423
    Yea but look at "Hackers", and "Swordfish" those are a little older and they weren't too realistic.
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    VAHokie56VAHokie56 Member Posts: 783
    Heh check out this scene from Firewall. lol he blocks a entire class C private address range on his own network, then his buddy is all impressed hah

    YouTube - firewall.wmv

    Oh ya and I know I am just being a super nerd to point this stuff out but really your device is named router!?!?! and I don't know what kind of dog and pony show they are running over there but I would imagine a FW rule modification would require a change request!
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    NightShade03NightShade03 Member Posts: 1,383 ■■■■■■■□□□
    VAHokie56 wrote: »
    Heh check out this scene from Firewall. lol he blocks a entire class C private address range on his own network, then his buddy is all impressed hah

    YouTube - firewall.wmv

    Yeah this is exactly what I'm talking about....I feel like all the member heres could write a better movie than anything on the market today!

    @kriscamaro68 - I just read the chained exploits chapter you were talking about and that would totally make a good movie. Now all we need is a producer.... lol
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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    I think Cliff Stoll's book, The Cuckoo's Egg would make a pretty good movie
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    kriscamaro68kriscamaro68 Member Posts: 1,186 ■■■■■■■□□□
    I think Cliff Stoll's book, The Cuckoo's Egg would make a pretty good movie

    They already kinda did: The Cuckoos Egg.

    The only issue I had with this book/movie is that he is kinda clueless the whole time about what to do. He keeps doing the same thing over and over again by tracking them and then calling people then tracking them then calling people it just got kinda boring after awhile.
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    docricedocrice Member Posts: 1,706 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I would make a second WarGames movie, keep WOPR in the script, and completely change the cast. I'd bet I'd make millions!

    Oh snap, someone already did that... Well, plan B would be just recycle an old plot and occasionally show The Hollywood Operating System and some 8-year old kid mindlessly typing away against 3D graphics, which might end up being a browser window with Hacker Typer.

    Hopefully-useful stuff I've written: http://kimiushida.com/bitsandpieces/articles/
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    jovan88jovan88 Member Posts: 393
    VAHokie56 wrote: »
    Heh check out this scene from Firewall. lol he blocks a entire class C private address range on his own network, then his buddy is all impressed hah

    YouTube - firewall.wmv

    Oh ya and I know I am just being a super nerd to point this stuff out but really your device is named router!?!?! and I don't know what kind of dog and pony show they are running over there but I would imagine a FW rule modification would require a change request!

    hahaha only 1 in a million would find that video funny
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    nimrod.sixty9nimrod.sixty9 Banned Posts: 125 ■□□□□□□□□□
    rwmidl wrote: »
    Personally I'd like to see a movie made on the phone phreakers of the 70's-80's, or maybe even something on Kevin Mitnick (maybe a bio).

    My all time "favorite" hacking movie (due to it being more or less "plausible") has to be "Sneakers". Besides, it had an excellent cast. Another good one (though not "hacker" related) was "Pirates of Silicon Valley". Noah Wyle played an excellent Steve Jobs.

    Track Down (aka Hackers 2)
    Not a Kevin M bio, but not too bad either. Worth a watch. PoSV was excelent!
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    CodeBloxCodeBlox Member Posts: 1,363 ■■■■□□□□□□
    VAHokie56 wrote: »
    Heh check out this scene from Firewall. lol he blocks a entire class C private address range on his own network, then his buddy is all impressed hah

    YouTube - firewall.wmv

    Oh ya and I know I am just being a super nerd to point this stuff out but really your device is named router!?!?! and I don't know what kind of dog and pony show they are running over there but I would imagine a FW rule modification would require a change request!
    Haha! I was wondering why he blocked that address range. Is what he did with the ACL in anyway "resistant to false positives" or is it just a load of bull (like I suspect)?
    Currently reading: Network Warrior, Unix Network Programming by Richard Stevens
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    SteveO86SteveO86 Member Posts: 1,423
    Yeah this is exactly what I'm talking about....I feel like all the member heres could write a better movie than anything on the market today!

    Problem is if it was made too technical we would be the only ones that enjoy it.
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    tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I think the show "24" does a good job representing the IT field.

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    NightShade03NightShade03 Member Posts: 1,383 ■■■■■■■□□□
    SteveO86 wrote: »
    Problem is if it was made too technical we would be the only ones that enjoy it.

    Or we would spark a huge education push in getting people to look up attacks and start understanding how to defend against them icon_wink.gif

    Although that does seem unlikely....
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    thehourmanthehourman Member Posts: 723
    I have never seen the movie Firewall. I like the movie Live Free or Die Hard.
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    hiddenknight821hiddenknight821 Member Posts: 1,209 ■■■■■■□□□□
    tpatt100 wrote: »
    I think the show "24" does a good job representing the IT field.


    I gotta agree with this guy. This is one of my top 10 favorite tv shows of all time! You have to admit Chloe turned you on, especially in Season 7 when she had to work with the FBI computer nerd.
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    the_Grinchthe_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Live Free or Die Hard did an alright job (enjoyable at least)

    Takedown was pretty good

    I feel they have a hard time making movies based on hacking because it's about 10% cool stuff and 90% boring. Takes a lot to finally get in and no one really wants to watch all that (except us).
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,058 Admin
    the_Grinch wrote: »
    Takedown was pretty good
    Takedown was the first book to pop into my head to base a movie on. After you removed all of the name dropping, place dropping, half-page explanations of simple concepts, and vanity puffery, the book would only be two-thirds its size, and then you'd have decent material for a screenplay.
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    phantasmphantasm Member Posts: 995
    "The Devils Code" was pretty good and could possibly make good for a good movie:

    Amazon.com: The Devil's Code (Kidd) (978042517988icon_cool.gif: John Sandford: Books
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    phonetic.manphonetic.man Member Posts: 79 ■■□□□□□□□□
    This is my vote for an IT movie.

    YouTube - VMware, the movie
    Currently studying: Backup Academy, CWNA, MCSA:08, iBoss ISCP
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    nimrod.sixty9nimrod.sixty9 Banned Posts: 125 ■□□□□□□□□□
    the_Grinch wrote: »
    Live Free or Die Hard did an alright job (enjoyable at least)

    Takedown was pretty good

    I feel they have a hard time making movies based on hacking because it's about 10% cool stuff and 90% boring. Takes a lot to finally get in and no one really wants to watch all that (except us).

    Takedown, yeah thats the movie I was talking about. Not sure why IMDB shows it as Track Down...
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,058 Admin
    This is my vote for an IT movie.

    YouTube - VMware, the movie
    It would be interesting if VMware made a training video where people were sucked into a the VM world (a la Tron) and traveled around the "VMverse" seeing and interacting with all of the features of VMs and vSphere. Being able to put a visual to what's going on inside of your virtual datacenter is essential to managing it. There would also be good and bad characters, action, triumph, heartbreak, time-limited problem solving, and all that stuff (a la 24).
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