Youtube channels

Hey all,
Just looking for some more resources. Are there any good youtube channels for microsoft certs/learning? What i'm looking for is something similar to the bulldog blog that chris bryant does. It's very convenient, a few times a week I get an email with a short practice exam/youtube video. It really helps keep me sharp on my Cisco skills. Would love to have the same kind of resource to keep sharp on MS topics.
Just looking for some more resources. Are there any good youtube channels for microsoft certs/learning? What i'm looking for is something similar to the bulldog blog that chris bryant does. It's very convenient, a few times a week I get an email with a short practice exam/youtube video. It really helps keep me sharp on my Cisco skills. Would love to have the same kind of resource to keep sharp on MS topics.
spd3432 Member Posts: 224
I don't know about any youtube channels for Microsoft, but I plan to start looking into CCNP Voice when I finish the last exam I need for EA. Do you have a link for that bulldog blog you mentioned? It sounds interesting.
Sean----CCNP goal----
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