Building a new HTPC

wweboywweboy Member Posts: 287 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hey everyone need some advices from all you geeks. I'm tiring of my full tower HTPC and looking to build something new. Here is my "Must haves"

*low power
*Small design / footprint
* HDMI out
*Can easily play 1080p

my current HTPC is a tower that is too big to fit in my entertainment stand and its loud its nothing special just a dual core pent with a 256mb graphics card and 2 1tb internal hdds (un raided) it also doubles as our "NAS" and runs windows 7 premium and XBMC. I've found a few nice deals on but I wanted to see what people could come up with.

I'm still not 100% sure if I want to build a seperate NAS device or purchase something like a Drobo but we have 2TB now and maybe used 1.2TB in the two or three years we've had our current setup.

Budget it $300 to $500.

Thanks everyone :)
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