MCITP EA - Order of tests

Would anyone advise against taking the server requirement tests (70-640, 70-642, and 70-643) for MCITP EA out of order? The reason I ask is because as you may know, these tests now include R2 content and MS has only released one (2nd edition) press book with R2 material (70-642). I wanted to start with 70-640, but am thinking I should start with 70-642 since I can study all material that will be covered in the exam without having to read several different books. I know the rest of the 2nd edition books are coming out within the next few months, but I don't want to have to wait.
Do I have to take the exams in order? Is it best to take them in order? Ideas, suggestions, or comments?
Do I have to take the exams in order? Is it best to take them in order? Ideas, suggestions, or comments?

LCA Member Posts: 215
When I did the MCITP:EA track it was in the following order:
Re 642 and 640 there are arguments both ways which to tackle first. It comes down to personal preference afaik. They both should be done before 643.
spd3432 Member Posts: 224
I did mine in the order listed below.
640 (R1 version but I'd been working with AD for a long time so it was a breeze)
680 (was tough for me -- I'd been a server admin and hadn't done desktop support since NT4)
646 (R2 version -- very difficult. I was surprised by a lot of the R2 stuff but made good use of my deductive reasoning skills and managed a passing score) (read that as I made some lucky guesses if you want)
647 (R2 version -- I really hate the design exams)
642 (R2 version -- I was prepared for this one so no surprises but I wished I'd have labbed more than I did)
643 (haven't scheduled yet but probably testing this Friday. Using the Sybex R2 book as primary study guide and have the R2 Transcender for this. Started practice testing today and there were a ton of IIS (AppCmd) and RDS questions that weren't even mentioned in the Sybex book).
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za3bour Member Posts: 1,062 ■■■■□□□□□□
When I did the MCITP:EA track it was in the following order:
Re 642 and 640 there are arguments both ways which to tackle first. It comes down to personal preference afaik. They both should be done before 643.
totally agree.