
Finished the first Cisco Net Acad Class

sentimetalsentimetal Member Posts: 103
Got a 96% on the final and I didn't even study. I'm not proud that I didn't study but I had just started a new job (in accounting) and was immediately tasked with helping catch them up so they could close the books for the month of March.

Now I know passing a class isn't the same as passing ICND1 and 2 or anything, but I'd like to make a few remarks regarding what I've learned.

My impression of networking and routing/switching so far? I absolutely love it. I haven't learned so much from a class in a very long time - I'm very motivated to keep on learning in class and at home. The instructor was great and had lots of experience, so that definitely contributed.

I will be taking the switching class next. In the meantime I hope to get more familiar with the IOS commands that have been talked about in the chapter 11 of the Cisco Fundamentals book and make sure I stay sharp with subnetting.

Btw, I think the next highest grade in the class was an 80% or so. icon_cheers.gif


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