
Command line trigger to pause an execution

Matt27[lt]Matt27[lt] Member Posts: 74 ■■□□□□□□□□
Situation. Occasionally I have to do an upgrade - run some *.bat files through the command line on the server.
Problem. It is a second time I failed and executed previous *.bat file instead of the newer version (file names are almost identiccally apart few numbers). Also it did not helped, that upgrades were done at night (and after overtime). So my concentration was low.
Possible solutions? At the begining of the *.bat file there is a line ("md Logs") which creates a folder "Logs" where upgrade's logs are placed. If I run an older version of upgrade, command line informs me that folder "Logs" exist and continues with upgrade. Is it possible to make a trigger or something right here? If the folder "Logs" exist make a pause and give me a solution "continue with an upgrade Y/N"?


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