Question about Troubleshooting exam
Does the Troubleshooting exam test you on everything you learned in the ROUTE and SWITCH tests, or does it also cover additional material not covered in the other two? If it just tests, then the material one needs to learn is really covered by the other two tests (generally speaking). In other words, if you knew the ROUTE and SWITCH material very well, you wouldn't need to learn more info - just how to figure out problems at that point.
amb1s1 Member Posts: 408Does the Troubleshooting exam test you on everything you learned in the ROUTE and SWITCH tests, or does it also cover additional material not covered in the other two? If it just tests, then the material one needs to learn is really covered by the other two tests (generally speaking). In other words, if you knew the ROUTE and SWITCH material very well, you wouldn't need to learn more info - just how to figure out problems at that point.
You are correct, I think the only thing that you have to review, is the first couple of chapters of the tshoot cisco press book where it show different way to go about troubleshooting. I went for the TSHOOT training and basically was everything from route and switch exam.