
Studying for Net+

corey1980corey1980 Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
I went through the LearnKey Network+ training with Mike Meyers, and I purchased the $6.95 guide on this site which I am going through right now. I have never taken a certification test before, and I am really nervous, so I have a few questions for those of you who have already passed the Net+ exam. I know most of the basic info from CompTIA's website (72 questions, 90 min to finish, etc), but I have additional questions about the structure of the test.

Are all of the questions multiple choice?

Are there questions where it ask to you select more than one correct answer? For example: It gives you 5 options to choose from and 3 of the 5 are correct answers where you have to select them all. Also, if these type of questions exist, are they all or nothing type of questions?

Are certain questions or categories more weighted (grade wise) than others?

Are the tests interactive on a PC or pencial and paper? If they are on a PC, do you have to demonstrate certain things on the computer (similar to the CBT software from Learnkey)?


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    NPA24NPA24 Member Posts: 588 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Just visit Comptia's website below, it will explain everything you want to know about the Network+ exam.


    Good luck on your studying!
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    WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Are all of the questions multiple choice?
    Are there questions where it ask to you select more than one correct answer? For example: It gives you 5 options to choose from and 3 of the 5 are correct answers where you have to select them all. Also, if these type of questions exist, are they all or nothing type of questions?
    Yes and yes. Some require you to select more than one answer. No partial credit.
    Are certain questions or categories more weighted (grade wise) than others?
    Could be the case, only CompTIA knows, and doesn't publish such info.
    Are the tests interactive on a PC or pencial and paper? If they are on a PC, do you have to demonstrate certain things on the computer (similar to the CBT software from Learnkey)?
    Interactive on a PC, just like most practice exams. CompTIA exams are mostly about concepts and use a theoretical approach to even the practical stuff. Apart from having to memorize a lot of theory, you need to demonstrate some logic troubleshooting skills to be able to answer the scenario questions (i.e. a diagram and 3 -5 sentence story, still multiple choice though).
    I have never taken a certification test before, and I am really nervous
    I think many will agree that you have an excellent set of study material (not saying that just because you got my TechNotes ;)). If you use the material you have properly you won't have any problems passing this exam.

    Here are some links that you'll probably find useful:


    Good luck, and have fun!
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    corey1980corey1980 Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I appreciate the quick reply. I will keep you posted on how things are going. I just wanted to make sure that I am prepared before I take the test. I have zero networking experience so this is all new information to me and it's a lot to take in. :)
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    doomsdayjasondoomsdayjason Member Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I was just about to ask this same question. I have another question though.
    When the questions do require multiple answers do they tell you how many answers are required? like, (choose 2) or something like that?
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    PD75PD75 Member Posts: 96 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I was just about to ask this same question. I have another question though.
    When the questions do require multiple answers do they tell you how many answers are required? like, (choose 2) or something like that?

    I think they do tell you that you need more than one correct answer. I never got any like that when i passed mine though.

    If it doesnt tell you, you should know how many answers its needs because it will only let you click on say 1, 2 or 3 correct answers.
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    reloadedreloaded Member Posts: 235
    I was just about to ask this same question. I have another question though. When the questions do require multiple answers do they tell you how many answers are required? like, (choose 2) or something like that?
    Yes, they will tell you exactly how many answers they want.

    All the questions are multiple choice. Just make sure you know everything on the objective list and you'll be golden. Pay special attention to OSI model and ports. Good luck, you'll be fine. Just think of the practice tests on here as practice for the real deal. Only, when you get to the test center, the test you're taking is the one that counts. You'll do great.
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