Cross-domain authentication

EssendonEssendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
Came up with this scenario, say there is a forest root domain called domain.local and there are two child domains called one.domain.local and two.domain.local. All three domains are in different cities and there is an unreliable link between the forest root and the two child domains. The link between the child domains is however better than the one with the forest root.

If users in one.domain.local need access to resources in two.domain.local, what's better

> Placing a forest root DC in one.domain.local, or
> Placing a DC from two.domain.local in the one.domain.local child domain or
> Creating a forest trust between the two child domains

Sometimes these concepts get confusing icon_scratch.gificon_confused.gif, anyone have a link for a good read on cross domain authentication? Asking this question makes me feel like I'm still a n00b.
NSX, NSX, more NSX..

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