C|EH Cert came in the mail
As the subject states I received the certificate in the mail today. It was sent via registered mail. Two things shocked me after seeing the envelope. Firstly the amount of information on the shipping label. Aside from Name and Address it also included email address and phone number. Secondly that and it was sent from Hong Kong. Other than that it is the most colorful certification I have received. In a sea of wall mounted certifications that look like diplomas this one really stands out. Still working towards the C|HFI with plans on sitting towards the end of July
Currently Studying:
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 – Data Center Administration (VCAP5-DCA) (Passed)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 – Data Center Design (VCAP5-DCD)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 – Data Center Administration (VCAP5-DCA) (Passed)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 – Data Center Design (VCAP5-DCD)
JDMurray Admin Posts: 13,105 AdminGonna post an image of it in our http://www.techexams.net/forums/general-certification/12514-certification-certificates.html thread? I don't think we have a C|EH in there yet.
azjag Member Posts: 579 ■■■■■■■□□□Currently Studying:
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 – Data Center Administration (VCAP5-DCA) (Passed)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 – Data Center Design (VCAP5-DCD)