
best online resources (aka FREE ONES) for job hunters

NetworkingStudentNetworkingStudent Member Posts: 1,407 ■■■■■■■■□□
I thought this was a good article

This morning on the Buzz, we discussed the best online resources (aka FREE ONES) for job hunters. And the information didn’t come from me, just poking around the Internet. It came from an actual, accredited, highly educated career coach, Cindy Edwards.

Here’s the lowdown on what she said. It’s like a mini career coach session, for FREE. Are we good to you people, or WHAT?

Since over 80% of jobs are found through networking, you want to use job boards to locate the jobs but your network to actually land a job. That’s why sites like LinkedIn.com are so necessary to help you expand your professional network.

Look at the sites that allow companies to post for free, such as Craigslist.org, JobSpider.com and MinnesotaWorks.net. You’ll get a broader selection of companies, not just the ones who can afford to post on the large, paid job boards. And if a company belongs to a professional association they can post there for free, too.

Speaking of which, folks should look at professional association websites to find job postings in their industry. For example if you are looking for a city job, check out League of Minnesota Cities and click on Careers.

Every job seekers or person in transition should look at ISEEK | Minnesota's career, education, and job resource (MN only site) and Careers and Career Information - CareerOneStop (National site). These sites allow job hunters to explore careers, plan their education, as well as find job openings.

Never underestimate the power of social media! For Twitter there is TweetMyJobs.com, which pushes jobs to you based on what field you are targeting. It’s free for job hunters to use, and new job postings are sent instantly to your Twitter Feed. You can even Tweet your resume to recruiters and hiring managers.

Facebook uses a tool called JobVite, where you can sign up for job alerts – which are emailed to you as soon as they are posted. To find JobVite on Facebook, just type it in to the search bar, and there it is.

70% or more of all HR folks are using online social networking tools to push job postings and find candidates, so if you aren’t online you are missing the boat, says Cindy.

Finally, Cindy also recommends improving your overall communication skills. One fun, and inexpensive way to learn how to communicate better and overcome a fear of public speaking is to join your local Toastmasters. For example, the Gopher Toastmasters Club in Minneapolis – it only costs $80 for a year. Go to Gopher Toastmasters, Minneapolis, MN -- Club 183 for more details.

Thanks, Cindy! And remember peeps, if you’d like to hire the Official Career Coach of the Cheap Chick Empire, click on that link down below. On the right. Yes, that one.

This entry was posted in As Seen On Fox 9, Career/Job and tagged The Cheap Chick.
When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened."

--Alexander Graham Bell,
American inventor


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