Poor testing experience. Need Advice!

20Euro20Euro Registered Users Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello all,
Yesterday, I took the ICND2 exam. I failed, but that’s not really the point of this post. The point is, I received what I consider very poor service from the testing center and I am wondering what to do in this situation.

Here is the story; I will try to keep it short…

I signed in when I arrived and since it was a weekend, the place was pretty empty and I was immediately brought to the testing room, cell phone and wallet in my pockets. I asked where I should leave my things and he told me I could keep these things in my pockets (cell phone off of course). To me, this was the first sign of a rather “shady” testing experience.

Next, I started my exam and realized the marker I was given was dead. It said on the dry erase board “Raise hand for assistance”. I did this several times and the proctor never showed up, I started to panic because I had a question requiring a VLSM calculation in front of me. I ended up guessing that question and it was only about 20 minutes later that the proctor showed up to sit another candidate. Only then did I receive a new marker but by that time, I had already “semi-guessed” a few questions because I could not calculate anything.

Finally, once the exam was over, my results were given to me but the entire right side of the sheet is unreadable because the printer was broken. The proctor said he could do nothing about it. So, now I am at home and can’t figure out what aspects I need to study before redoing the exam.

I have contacted PersonVue and Cisco to inform them of my testing experience and I am really hoping for a free redo… In your experiences, is this something that may happen or do they never give free redos?

Thank you for reading my rant and your input is greatly appreciated.


  • SteveO86SteveO86 Member Posts: 1,423
    I've never experienced anything like that, but the fact they knowing let you keep you cell phone and wallet during the test is a pure violation of policy.
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  • 20Euro20Euro Registered Users Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Indeed, that's why I informed Cisco. I did ICND1 a few years ago at the same location and it was much more professional.
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