Anatomy of a Computer Virus

SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
We've had several great discussions about Stuxnet, and I came across this video today so I thought I'd share: Anatomy of a Computer Virus

I actually didn't know that Stuxnet was open-source, and I hadn't really thought to look around for videos of people tinkering with it. That means there's a whole slew of people out there dissecting the virus and learning how to adapt it for their own purposes. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it.

Other threads on TE related to Stuxnet:

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  • it_consultantit_consultant Member Posts: 1,903
    I would imagine a lot of malware is based on open source technologies. I was having a discussion with a Mac user and I was telling him there was a mac virus in the wild and he was shocked. We talked about how Mac is just another UNIX variety, and a lot of programmers (malicious or otherwise) are well schooled in UNIX programming. Most of the exploit tools I have seen have been based on open source stuff, mostly linux.
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