Urgent Advice Needed!

JugglingRefereeJugglingReferee Member Posts: 49 ■■■□□□□□□□

Through a set of a crazy schedule, a bad memory on my part, and some after-hours contract work that I was able to secure, I am just over a week away from the June 30th deadline for an MS voucher that I purchased.

I have two exams left to use.

I wrote the MCDST a couple of weeks ago and pretty much breezed through them.

I'd like to find 2 remaining exams that are the easiest to pass.

I'm looking for the 2 easiest MCITP exams.

070-623 looks easy. Though I don't have much experience with Vista, but how hard can the items on that list be?

Or... What about 070-680?

Or... Is 070-685 a difficult exam?

Thank you!


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