Server Career as a Substitute

Sahil AroraSahil Arora Banned Posts: 47 ■■□□□□□□□□
I wanna be one of the Top Cyber Forensic Architect,but while keeping other factors aside like Time,Place,Money,Stress or Planetary(Astrological) Factors i want to keep my Server Architect Career as a Substitute so that i could succeed in Server Career if any how i can't become Security Professional.
Please Guide me in this Career as you all know my Current Qualification.
Please guys help me Urgently.


  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    What's your time frame? How soon do you want to be "Top Cyber Forensic Architect?" Are you located in India or Australia? Where do you want to work?
  • cyberguyprcyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 Mod
    India, per his other post.

    Sahil, do tell us more about your background and IT interests so we can provide recommendations.
  • Sahil AroraSahil Arora Banned Posts: 47 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I am an Indian,i Love India and i live in India.
    But as i am 0f 19 years old an just a Student,can't decide where should i work on,my Heart says India and mind says U.S.
    Please tell me which is better place.
    My interest is in Server and Security Certifications.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    Usually people come to the USA to get an education and some work experience, and then take that knowledge and skill back to their home county. The Internet has made it possible to get nearly the same experience wihtout leaving your home country, and it can be more inexpensive too.

    Do you know any other people that have already followed a path that your looking at? It helps if you can talk to someone local to you that has already made that choice to stay or leave.
  • Sahil AroraSahil Arora Banned Posts: 47 ■■□□□□□□□□
    No one has took that Career path which i want to Follow,i have the only Lovely DReam of being Computer Crime Investigator,the most Tech Educated in my family and earn a Healthy Living by my own!Because my family really belongs to the very Uneducated Background.I hope i have cleared what i wanna say.
    So what do u suggest me,to work in India only or U.S.A.?
  • EveryoneEveryone Member Posts: 1,661
    No idea what kind of Computer Forensic work is available in India, but because you're from/a citizen of that country, you'll probably have better luck getting into that field in your home country.

    In the US, Computer Forensic work is going to be primarily with Government and/or Law Enforcement Agencies, and you will not be able to work in those fields without being a U.S. Citizen. No green card, no H1B, or any form of work visa, will let you work in that career field in the US. Many of these jobs require a security clearance, which again, you can't get unless you're a U.S. Citizen.
  • Sahil AroraSahil Arora Banned Posts: 47 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Everyone wrote: »
    No idea what kind of Computer Forensic work is available in India, but because you're from/a citizen of that country, you'll probably have better luck getting into that field in your home country.

    In the US, Computer Forensic work is going to be primarily with Government and/or Law Enforcement Agencies, and you will not be able to work in those fields without being a U.S. Citizen. No green card, no H1B, or any form of work visa, will let you work in that career field in the US. Many of these jobs require a security clearance, which again, you can't get unless you're a U.S. Citizen.
    I am Confused by your reply!
    You said that you are not sure which kinda Computer Forensics is available in India,then how can i have better Luck in getting to this Field?
    Rest License Green Card etc i can Understand.
  • EveryoneEveryone Member Posts: 1,661
    I am Confused by your reply!
    You said that you are not sure which kinda Computer Forensics is available in India,then how can i have better Luck in getting to this Field?
    Rest License Green Card etc i can Understand.

    Because I don't live or work in India, nor do I have any interest in living or working in India. Why would I know what kind of opportunities are available for this career path in India?

    You would have better luck there because you are from there and a citizen of that country.
  • Sahil AroraSahil Arora Banned Posts: 47 ■■□□□□□□□□
    You mean to say that Living in India provides better luck?
  • EveryoneEveryone Member Posts: 1,661
    You mean to say that Living in India provides better luck?

    No, I mean exactly what I said. You will have the most luck finding a career in Computer Forensics if you stick to searching in the country you are from or a citizen of.

    I am a US Citizen by birth. I would probably not be able to get this type of a job in India, France, Germany, etc. I could however very easily get this type of job in the US.

    You're from India, and a citizen of that country. You are very unlikely to ever work in Computer Forensics in any country outside of India, for reasons that I have already stated.

    I don't know how I can make it any clearer than that. There are other IT careers that you could easily do in any country regardless of where you are from. Computer Forensics just isn't one of them, because it's usually tied to Government/Law Enforcement/National Security type environments, that typically do not hire foreigners.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    Forensics means "in accordance with the law," or "related to the courts and legal system." One would first need to determine how electronic information storage systems (e.g., computers, hard drives, floppy discs, cell phones, iPods, digital cameras) are regarded by the legal system(s) of India. If information found on electronic storage system is not (or rarely) admissible in a court of law then there is no need for computer forensics in India. I, personally, have no idea, but I bet it's whatever the UK does.
  • Sahil AroraSahil Arora Banned Posts: 47 ■■□□□□□□□□
    THat's ok but still as i stated the thread subject Server career as a Substitute,will anyone tell me that there is also parts in Server Career too,i mean there is no Top Position in this Field who is Overall Top?
  • crrussell3crrussell3 Member Posts: 561
    THat's ok but still as i stated the thread subject Server career as a Substitute,will anyone tell me that there is also parts in Server Career too,i mean there is no Top Position in this Field who is Overall Top?

    The "top" server admins can be perceived as those who hold the Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) title, which takes a long time to achieve and isn't achievable for most.

    Microsoft Learning: Microsoft Certified Master Program
    MCTS: Windows Vista, Configuration
    MCTS: Windows WS08 Active Directory, Configuration
  • Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    crrussell3 wrote: »
    The "top" server admins can be perceived as those who hold the Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) title, which takes a long time to achieve and isn't achievable for most.

    Microsoft Learning: Microsoft Certified Master Program

    Or a RHCA if you are Red Hat shop. Or maybe a LPIC-3 if you are a different type of linux shop: | Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA)
    LPIC-3 / The LPIC Program / Certification / Home - LPI -
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