Clarity on DHCP

JohnnyBigglesJohnnyBiggles Member Posts: 273
From what I understand, the steps for DHCP to assign a host its approriate info are as follows:

1. Client broadcasts DHCP Discover message
2. All DHCP servers receive the message and
3. All available DHCP servers make an offer with Unicast to that client but only one is going to be used by the host
4. The client then sends a broadcast back to the server with a DHCP request
5. Then the server returns with an ACK message and the necessary assignment info.

My question is, once the client gets info from a DHCP server, why would it need to broadcast again back to the server? Shouldn't it be something like the following:
Broadcast to server > Unicast from server > Unicast from host > Unicast from server with info

(with the initial broadcast being the only one since it's looking for a server, but each after would be uni since it found one to establish communication with)?

Am I off with this logic? Why does the host broadcast twice? I hope I'm being clear...


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