
Just passed.... 936!! *phew*

SpirosGyrosSpirosGyros Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi all,

I'm just letting you know I passed today. I'm now one of you!

I'll start to study for the 70-290 exam soon and eventually work my way up to MCSA-2003.

The study material I used was CBT Nuggets - Windows XP Pro Videos, Sybex Windows XP Professional (Revision 2), several practice exams such as Transendor. Whoever is going for it, don't panic... I started worrying at the start of the exam but once I got to about question 10, I was *switched on* and the other questions were a breeze. Once that was done, I reviewed the first 10 just in case. Also, don't be one of those exam takers where you're trying to cram everything in minutes before the exam. If you don't know it by then, you don't know it and your mind needs time to relax. Leave the studying for home and when you leave the house, take nothing with you. Listen to some relaxing music on the way to the exam and you will do well. Worst case scenario, you take the 2 for 1 offer.




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