
Verizon strike reaches 45k employees walkout

LizanoLizano Member Posts: 230 ■■■□□□□□□□
I really really hope I don´t have to deal with any issues in Verizon territory this week.

As Contract Talks Fail, 45000 Verizon Workers Strike
A fifth of Verizon's workforce has gone on strike on the East Coast after contract negotiations hit a standstill. On Sunday, 45000 workers from Verizon's wireline division walked off the job, the Associated Press reports.


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    tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I was reading about this on CNN, interesting news. Verizon made 8 billion in profits but is asking employees to take cuts in pay and benefits?

    45,000 Verizon workers walk off the job - The Boston Globe
    Verizon spokesman Phil Santoro said the strike should not affect customers. The company prepared by training tens of thousands of other employees to conduct customer service, repairs, installation, and other jobs done by unionized employees.
    The strike, said Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University, is unusual at a time when unemployment is high, the economy is weak, and wages have not increased for the average US worker in more than a decade.
    <--Yes, risky indeed.
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    tbgree00tbgree00 Member Posts: 553 ■■■■□□□□□□
    The thing that amazes me most about this is that Verizon said that they couldn't work with the union because wireless service is on a steep decline. I'm not sure why they would say that with the huge amount of droid and iphones flying off the shelf.
    I finally started that blog - www.thomgreene.com
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    instant000instant000 Member Posts: 1,745
    tbgree00 wrote: »
    The thing that amazes me most about this is that Verizon said that they couldn't work with the union because wireless service is on a steep decline. I'm not sure why they would say that with the huge amount of droid and iphones flying off the shelf.

    What article did you read?

    The article talks about wireLINE business falling, and these are the wireLINE workers. And I know, "wireline" may be a bit odd to hear, when you instantly think "wireless" when you think of Verizon. Basically, the landline business is falling, and the wireless business is picking up. The affected workers are landline workers.

    (If the "line" and "less" caught you off guard, then understandable.)

    Verizon Communication Inc's wireline division on strike; landline operations could be affected | The Asbury Park Press | APP.com

    Verizon's Wireline Unions Go On Strike After Deadline Passes - FoxBusiness.com
    Santoro said the company’s increase in second-quarter revenue was because of the success of its wireless division. Wireless customers climbed to 94.1 million last year, while the landline division, where the striking workers are employed, lost 8.2 percent of its customers, declining to 26 million. In 2000, Verizon had 63 million landline customers.

    source: 45,000 Verizon workers walk off the job - The Boston Globe
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    tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Glad you posted that article, changes my perspective quite a bit.
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    higherhohigherho Member Posts: 882
    Land-line would do much better if Verizon and them would lower the prices of FIOS and make it more available. Seriously, I would take FIOS over anything but the cost per month is way to high.

    Land-line Infrastructure needs to improve so much in this country when you look at other countries land lines. I understand the market might shrink but I'm sure one of those reasons are because of the price.
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    tbgree00tbgree00 Member Posts: 553 ■■■■□□□□□□
    instant000 wrote: »
    What article did you read?

    The article talks about wireLINE business falling, and these are the wireLINE workers. And I know, "wireline" may be a bit odd to hear, when you instantly think "wireless" when you think of Verizon. Basically, the landline business is falling, and the wireless business is picking up. The affected workers are landline workers.

    (If the "line" and "less" caught you off guard, then understandable.)

    Verizon Communication Inc's wireline division on strike; landline operations could be affected | The Asbury Park Press | APP.com

    Verizon's Wireline Unions Go On Strike After Deadline Passes - FoxBusiness.com

    source: 45,000 Verizon workers walk off the job - The Boston Globe

    It was on the bloomberg market update during the evening news late last week. My wife and I both heard wireless but wireline makes a lot more sense.
    I finally started that blog - www.thomgreene.com
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