
Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
ITC to review Apple patent complaint against HTC | Apple - CNET News

There guys are getting out of hand. Why innovate when you can just sue someone? icon_rolleyes.gif Needless to say I will never buy an apple product.


  • lordylordy Member Posts: 632 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    The whole patent system has been abused, perverted and flipped upside down.
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  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    lordy wrote: »
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    Agreed to a point - patents are to protect innovation (else why innovate if you can steal ideas), obviously some patent trolls and large players in the tech industry are playing the game in a dirty way. And many of the patents are just silly. This isn't as much news as it seems to be implied lately though. For example Microsoft makes $5 on every HTC Droid sold. HTC also filed their own complaints against Apple (yet with less "success" so far).

    Apple Sued Over OS Fast Boot, Lawsuit May Be Android-Related - HotHardware

    And another recent interesting patent battle:
    Microsoft bats away google criticism over android patents- The Inquirer
  • the_Grinchthe_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Yup, how many companies have patents on technology that they do nothing with? Lots of companies are doing it, so can't hate on one company and not the rest ;)
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  • cxzar20cxzar20 Member Posts: 168
    Companies should do more innovation on their own. The philosophy of the tech world these days is wait until Apple comes up with a new product then copy it. They should sue.
  • tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    ITC to review Apple patent complaint against HTC | Apple - CNET News
    In Apple win, Samsung Galaxy Tab blocked in EU | Wireless - CNET News

    There guys are getting out of hand. Why innovate when you can just sue someone? icon_rolleyes.gif Needless to say I will never buy an apple product.

    Might have to go back to using an abacus because every tech company is using patent lawsuits as a defensive measure to impede competition.

    Google buys patents from IBM to fight lawsuits by other tech companies | The Journal News |
    NEW YORK — Google Inc. has bought about
    1,000 pending and issued patents from
    Armonk-based IBM Corp. in its quest to
    shore up its defenses against suits by other
    technology companies, according to
    documents filed with the U.S. Patent and
    Trademark Office.

    The patent transfers were recorded two
    weeks ago and cover a range of
    technologies, many of which have little to
    do with Google's Internet search and
    advertising business. One covers ways of
    automatically adjusting a clock, another
    deals with surface treatments for electrical

    But even patents that have little do with
    Google's business can be useful
    ammunition in the hyper-litigious
    technology world.

    If it's sued over patents by a company
    whose business relies on technologies
    covered by Google's patents, Google can file a retaliatory lawsuit.

    Phone makers that
    use GoogleInc.'s Android software are
    being sued by Apple Inc. and Microsoft
    Corp. As a young company, Google has few
    patents of its own to counter with.

    Earlier this month, Google participated in
    an auction for a collection of 6,000 patents
    from Nortel, a bankrupt Canadian maker of
    telecommunications equipment. It was
    outbid by a consortium including Apple that
    paid $4.5 billion.
    cxzar20 wrote: »
    Companies should do more innovation on their own. The philosophy of the tech world these days is wait until Apple comes up with a new product then copy it. They should sue.

    I doubt the tablet market would have taken off like it did until the iPad was launched and sales took off for them. I remember when it launched all the blogs were full of "fail" posts.

    its really pathetic since all the lawsuits only stifle competition, on the other hand I think the timing shows intent. If somebody releases something and your competitor releases it after yours is a success that can show intent to tag along for the ride.

    Paul Allen Files Patent Lawsuits Against Entire Web … Except Microsoft | Epicenter|
    Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has filed far-reaching patent lawsuits against Google, Apple, Yahoo, Netflix, Facebook, AOL and eBay, among others, alleging the companies violated patents owned by his now-defunct idea lab Interval Research.

    The four patents at issue allegedly cover basics of online commerce, including recommending products to a user based on what they are currently looking at, and allowing readers of a news story to see other stories based on the current one. Two other patents relate to showing other information on a web page, such as news updates or stock quotes.

    The lawsuit also alleges that Interval Research was one of four funders of Sergey Brin and Larry Page’s research that eventually became Google. The suit includes a screenshot of a 1998 Google webpage, crediting Allen’s company.

    Notably missing from the list of targets are and Microsoft, which Allen left in 1983. Allen made tens of billions from his Microsoft shares, and recently pledged to donate most of his estimated $13.5 billion fortune to charity. Allen also owns the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks and the NBA’s Portland Trailblazers.
    The patent system needs serious review. I remember Amazon getting sued for "one click" shopping, some obscure mmo company suing every mmo because they patented something dealing with controlling online avatars to communicate with other people. An oldie but goodie here

    Microsoft criticized for 'IPv6-like' patent - CNET News

    "An antipatent organization has criticized Microsoft for filing a patent that's allegedly similar to IPv6, the next-generation Internet Protocol.
    The Public Patent Foundation, or Pubpat, an organization that works to protect the public from damage caused by the patent system, claims that a patent that Microsoft filed a few years ago is invalid because it failed to disclose prior work done by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
    The U.S. patent, number 6101499--titled "Method and computer program product for automatically generating an Internet Protocol (IP) address"--was issued to Microsoft in 2000 after being filed in 1998.
    Daniel Ravicher, the executive director of Pubpat, said that although he is not worried that Microsoft will assert its right over the patent, this may stop companies from using IPv6."
  • mctwistmctwist Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Just take a look at this link: Apple's EU legal win could prevent all OEMs from building tablets | ZDNet.

    Tell me this isn't abusing the patent system.
  • Chris:/*Chris:/* Member Posts: 658 ■■■■■■■■□□
    mctwist wrote: »
    Just take a look at this link: Apple's EU legal win could prevent all OEMs from building tablets | ZDNet.

    Tell me this isn't abusing the patent system.

    This kills me seeing as they were not the first tablet designer.

    As for the Apple invention and then copy them, that is not correct.

    Apple has admitted they have not invented much of anything. They are an innovation company which takes already invented ideas and then turn them into profitable products.

    The companies are not copying the products as much as they are copying the way they are employed.
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  • tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I think its all about timing than anything else. MP3 players were out for a while. Ipod takes off there is a surge in music players. All in one iMac debuts gateway,dell and everybody else tries it as well to get some of the sales from people who might think an all in one is a good thing to have.

    There were previous tablets but they were bulky with lousy battery life and Microsoft did not try very hard but I think they were shooting for a laptop replacement.

    Ipad comes out everybody says it will fail and it flies off the shelves because they appealed to the masses. If anything the Android tablet looks to be oversaturated. I was thinking about getting one since the auto correct on the ipad doesn't learn words and it was ticking me off big time. I go check out the Android tablets and best buy had them all over the place, they were products and not brands with each trying to be different I was cautious because I don't want to get stuck with something the manufacturer **** if it doesn't sell well enough
  • AhriakinAhriakin Member Posts: 1,799 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Apple is about form, not function or innovation. They've just done what folks like Nike have done before them, do a stellar job of marketing un-inventive and mediocre-to-good products to the point of making them iconic.
    But as has been said they are just doing what everyone else does, these moves are usually more about getting a slice of the pie, leverage, than actually preventing movement on the projects.
    We responded to the Year 2000 issue with "Y2K" solutions...isn't this the kind of thinking that got us into trouble in the first place?
  • SteveLordSteveLord Member Posts: 1,717
    Yup, Apple innovates something else that's been out. And then everyone else says "wtf, why didn't we think of that? Get something with our name out there!" Usually...those products stink or they don't offer much beyond Apple's product.

    I think its hilarious that people thougth the lack of flash and multitasking would be the downfall of the iPad. Seriously, is that the only thing the latest tablets can brag about? Almost nobody cares.
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  • hiddenknight821hiddenknight821 Member Posts: 1,209 ■■■■■■□□□□
    SteveLord wrote: »
    Seriously, is that the only thing the latest tablets can brag about? Almost nobody cares.

    I believe the answer to that is primarly because of Apple's outstanding support on their iProducts. This is one of the reasons, why I'm eager to join the long overnight line at the apple store when the iPhone 5 comes out. Not even an android phone on the market is a consideration since the manufacturers keep dropping bombs on us and say "Oops, sorry we don't support that anymore. I know we just sold these last week, but the new one came out today".
  • petedudepetedude Member Posts: 1,510
    mctwist wrote: »
    Just take a look at this link: Apple's EU legal win could prevent all OEMs from building tablets | ZDNet.

    Tell me this isn't abusing the patent system.

    Apple, Oracle, et al.

    It's a crying shame. If you can't stomp out your opponent in the free market, you litigate? Really makes American business look bad-- as if there aren't already enough things tarnishing its image.
    Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
    --Will Rogers
  • DefinitiveDomainDefinitiveDomain Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Apple equals Evil?

    This is a common issue everyday with companies everywhere as stated earlier on in the forum. My question is why is Apple deemed as Evil, because their simply following procedure and precedent?
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