
IIS Website issues

higherhohigherho Member Posts: 882
Hi all,

not sure if this would be the correct section to ask this. I have 5 websites on one of my IIS boxes. on the Internal network I can connect to these websites with no problem. However, if I'm on an external connection and I VPN in I can only access 3 out of the 5. The other two give me webpage cannot be displayed errors.

I can tracert the IP's fine and ping the IP's of those websites fine. I compared configuration of each website and everything looks fine. I logged on to my firewall to see if I was getting dropped packets but on the firewall it says that my TCP connection to the website IP was successful.

At first I thought this was a DNS issue so I checked my DNS server for the one forest (when people VPN in they authenticate to that server) and the DNS host A record to the one site is listed there. But what confuses me is why do the other three websites work externally when the other two do not? All the application pools are running and same with the websites.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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